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Open Access at Chicago

Open access is a model of publishing and distributing scholarship online with no barriers to access for readers. With OA, the expense of publishing is generally not offset by sales or subscriptions, and other means to cover the initial and ongoing costs are necessary. To address this need, models to fund OA publishing have been developed to share the publication costs between a publisher and others, such as institutions, academic libraries, funders, and authors. With viable models for sustainably funding publications, OA can be one approach to publishing journal articles and books.

As a university press and not-for-profit organization, we strive to keep publishing costs low and publications affordable. Traditional commercial publication is our primary model and has proven for us to be a sustainable way of publishing both journals and books at prices that libraries and individuals find reasonable. At the same time, we welcome the opportunity to consider OA projects and to partner with authors and funders on viable approaches to open-access articles and books.  We believe that sustainable OA publishing must—and can—allow a press to invest in its staff and in its authors’ work. 

The Press is involved with several OA initiatives. We are an active participant in TOME, the initiative to publish open-access books. Our experiments in open access include the textbook Building the American Republic.  All of our OA titles are now available at We support green open access across our portfolio of more than 90 journals. To learn about journals and open access, read more here


Yearning for Immortality

The European Invention of the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife

Rune Nyord

The Land Is Our Community

Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium

Roberta L. Millstein

Carceral Citizens

Labor and Confinement in Puerto Rico

Caroline M. Parker

Futures after Progress

Hope and Doubt in Late Industrial Baltimore

Chloe Ahmann

Nuclear Minds

Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Ran Zwigenberg

Automatic Religion

Nearhuman Agents of Brazil and France

Paul Christopher Johnson

The Contested Crown

Repatriation Politics between Europe and Mexico

Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll

Intimate Disconnections

Divorce and the Romance of Independence in Contemporary Japan

Allison Alexy

Make It Rain

State Control of the Atmosphere in Twentieth-Century America

Kristine C. Harper


A History of Popular Transportation in Nairobi

Kenda Mutongi

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Stories of Capitalism

Inside the Role of Financial Analysts

Stefan Leins

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