Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 10
Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 10
In addition to commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, this volume also serves as a tribute to James D. McCawley, a giant of 20th-century linguistics and a pioneer in East Asian scholarship. The 46 papers collected here bring together formalists, functionalists, discourse analysts, and cognitive linguists to examine the Japanese and Korean languages from a variety of perspectives.

Table of Contents
On the Interaction of Temporal and Modal Meaning in Japanese Conditionals
Wesley M. Jacobsen
Processing Japanese and Korean: Full Attachment versus Efficiency
William OGrady, Michiko Nakamura & Miseon Lee
Japanese and Korean Causatives Revisited
Masayoshi Shibatani & Sung Yeo Chung
Characteristic Lexicalization Patterns of Motion Events in Korean
Sung-Chool Im
The Processing of Wh-phrases and Interrogative Complementizers in Japanese
Edson T. Miyamoto & Shoichi Takahashi
On Sound Symbolism in Japanese and Korean
Reijirou Shibasaki
A Cognitive Account of Extraction Asymmetry in Japanese Relative Clauses
Mitsuaki Shimojo
Grammar, Cognition and Procedure as Reflected in Route Directions in Japanese, Korean and American English
Susan Strauss, Hanae Katayama & Jong Oh Eun
When Does Communication Turn Mentally Inward?: A Case Study of Japanese Formal-to-Informal Switching
Seiichi Makino
Markers of Epistemic vs. Affective Stances: Desyoo vs. Zyanai
Naomi Hanaoka McGloin
The Social Meanings of the Japanese Plain Form
Haruko Minegishi Cook
Listener Responses in Telephone and Face-to-face Conversations: How do Non-verbal Behaviors Affect Japanese and English Interactions?
Hiroko Furo
Where Korean and Japanese Differ: Modality vs. Discourse Modality
Kaoru Horie & Kaori Taira
Demonstratives as Prospective Indexicals: ku and ce in Korean Conversation
Kyu-hyun Kim & Kyung-Hee Suh
The Switching Between desu/masu Form and Plain Form: From the Perspective of Turn Construction
Maeri Megumi
Stance Marking in the Collaborative Completion of Sentences: Final Particles as Epistemic Markers in Japanese
Emi Morita
A Dispersion Account on Middle Korean Vowel Shifts
Sang-Cheol Ahn
Genitive tu in OJ and Historical Changes of Genitive Particles
Yu Hirata
On the Emergence of Korean Concessive myense: Focusing on the Grammaticalization of se
Minju Kim
From Relativization to Clause-linkage: A Constructional Account of Japanese Internally Headed Relativization
Kyoko Hirose Ohara
Kakarimusubi and Focus Structure
Kaoru Ohta
Discourse, Grammaticalization, & Intonation: An Analysis of -ketun in Korean
Mee-Jeong Park & Sung-Ock S. Sohn
Kakari Musubi, Noda-constructions, and How Grammaticalization Theory Meets Formal Grammar
Wolfram Schaffar
S.Y. Kuroda
Supporting Korean and Japanese on the Internet: Web Standards, Unicode and National Character Encodings
Katsuhiko Momoi
Semantic Bifurcation in Japanese Compound Verbs
Timothy J. Vance
Moraic Structure and Segment Duration in Korean
Emily Curtis
Mora Augmentation in Shizuoka Japanese
Stuart Davis & Isao Ueda
Phonetic Duration of English /s/ and its borrowing in Korean
Soohee Kim & Emily Curtis
Local and Global Patterns of Temporal Compensations in Korean
Byung-Jin Lim
Prosody and Information Structure in Japanese: A Case Study of Topic Marker wa
Kimiko Nakanishi
Information Unpackaging: A Constraint-based Unified Grammar Approach to Topic-Focus Articulation
Suk-Jin Chang
NPI Licensing, 0/Ga Alternation, Verb Raising and Scrambling
Susumu Kuno
Negative Polarity in Korean and Japanese
Chungmin Lee
Incorporation vs. Modification in Deverbal Compounds
Yoko Sugioka
Syntactic and Pragmatic Properties of the NPI Yekan in Korean
Sae-Youn Cho & Han-Gyu Lee
The Interpretations of Wh-elements in Conjoined Wh-questions
Sungeun Cho and Xuan Zhou
Complex Predicate Formation and Argument Structure of Japanese V-V Compounds
Thomas Gamerschlag
Nominative-Genitive Conversion Revisited
Ken Hiraiwa
A Removal Type of Negative Predicates
Jieun Joe & Chungmin Lee
Semantic Co-Composition of the Korean Substantival Nouns- ha(ta) Construction: Evidence for the Generative Lexicon
Jong Sup Jun
Two Positions of Korean Negation
Ae-Ryung Kim
Opacity in Japanese and Korean
Ae-Ryung Kim & Yoshihisa Kitagawa
Intervention Effects are Focus Effects
Shin-Sook Kim
Event Sensitivity of Head-Internal Relatives in Japanese
Yuki Matsuda
On the Interaction of Temporal and Modal Meaning in Japanese Conditionals
Wesley M. Jacobsen
Processing Japanese and Korean: Full Attachment versus Efficiency
William OGrady, Michiko Nakamura & Miseon Lee
Japanese and Korean Causatives Revisited
Masayoshi Shibatani & Sung Yeo Chung
Characteristic Lexicalization Patterns of Motion Events in Korean
Sung-Chool Im
The Processing of Wh-phrases and Interrogative Complementizers in Japanese
Edson T. Miyamoto & Shoichi Takahashi
On Sound Symbolism in Japanese and Korean
Reijirou Shibasaki
A Cognitive Account of Extraction Asymmetry in Japanese Relative Clauses
Mitsuaki Shimojo
Grammar, Cognition and Procedure as Reflected in Route Directions in Japanese, Korean and American English
Susan Strauss, Hanae Katayama & Jong Oh Eun
When Does Communication Turn Mentally Inward?: A Case Study of Japanese Formal-to-Informal Switching
Seiichi Makino
Markers of Epistemic vs. Affective Stances: Desyoo vs. Zyanai
Naomi Hanaoka McGloin
The Social Meanings of the Japanese Plain Form
Haruko Minegishi Cook
Listener Responses in Telephone and Face-to-face Conversations: How do Non-verbal Behaviors Affect Japanese and English Interactions?
Hiroko Furo
Where Korean and Japanese Differ: Modality vs. Discourse Modality
Kaoru Horie & Kaori Taira
Demonstratives as Prospective Indexicals: ku and ce in Korean Conversation
Kyu-hyun Kim & Kyung-Hee Suh
The Switching Between desu/masu Form and Plain Form: From the Perspective of Turn Construction
Maeri Megumi
Stance Marking in the Collaborative Completion of Sentences: Final Particles as Epistemic Markers in Japanese
Emi Morita
A Dispersion Account on Middle Korean Vowel Shifts
Sang-Cheol Ahn
Genitive tu in OJ and Historical Changes of Genitive Particles
Yu Hirata
On the Emergence of Korean Concessive myense: Focusing on the Grammaticalization of se
Minju Kim
From Relativization to Clause-linkage: A Constructional Account of Japanese Internally Headed Relativization
Kyoko Hirose Ohara
Kakarimusubi and Focus Structure
Kaoru Ohta
Discourse, Grammaticalization, & Intonation: An Analysis of -ketun in Korean
Mee-Jeong Park & Sung-Ock S. Sohn
Kakari Musubi, Noda-constructions, and How Grammaticalization Theory Meets Formal Grammar
Wolfram Schaffar
S.Y. Kuroda
Supporting Korean and Japanese on the Internet: Web Standards, Unicode and National Character Encodings
Katsuhiko Momoi
Semantic Bifurcation in Japanese Compound Verbs
Timothy J. Vance
Moraic Structure and Segment Duration in Korean
Emily Curtis
Mora Augmentation in Shizuoka Japanese
Stuart Davis & Isao Ueda
Phonetic Duration of English /s/ and its borrowing in Korean
Soohee Kim & Emily Curtis
Local and Global Patterns of Temporal Compensations in Korean
Byung-Jin Lim
Prosody and Information Structure in Japanese: A Case Study of Topic Marker wa
Kimiko Nakanishi
Information Unpackaging: A Constraint-based Unified Grammar Approach to Topic-Focus Articulation
Suk-Jin Chang
NPI Licensing, 0/Ga Alternation, Verb Raising and Scrambling
Susumu Kuno
Negative Polarity in Korean and Japanese
Chungmin Lee
Incorporation vs. Modification in Deverbal Compounds
Yoko Sugioka
Syntactic and Pragmatic Properties of the NPI Yekan in Korean
Sae-Youn Cho & Han-Gyu Lee
The Interpretations of Wh-elements in Conjoined Wh-questions
Sungeun Cho and Xuan Zhou
Complex Predicate Formation and Argument Structure of Japanese V-V Compounds
Thomas Gamerschlag
Nominative-Genitive Conversion Revisited
Ken Hiraiwa
A Removal Type of Negative Predicates
Jieun Joe & Chungmin Lee
Semantic Co-Composition of the Korean Substantival Nouns- ha(ta) Construction: Evidence for the Generative Lexicon
Jong Sup Jun
Two Positions of Korean Negation
Ae-Ryung Kim
Opacity in Japanese and Korean
Ae-Ryung Kim & Yoshihisa Kitagawa
Intervention Effects are Focus Effects
Shin-Sook Kim
Event Sensitivity of Head-Internal Relatives in Japanese
Yuki Matsuda
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