Medical Humanity and Inhumanity in the German-Speaking World
Distributed for UCL Press
Medical Humanity and Inhumanity in the German-Speaking World
Medical Humanity and Inhumanity in the German-Speaking World is the first volume dedicated to exploring the interface of medicine, the human and the humane in the German-speaking lands. The volume tracks the designation and making through medicine of the human and inhuman, and the humane and inhumane, from the Middle Ages to the present day. Eight individual chapters undertake explorations into ways in which theories and practices of medicine in the German-speaking world have come to define the human and highlight how such theories and practices have consolidated, or undermined, notions of humane behavior. Cultural analysis is central to this investigation, foregrounding the reflection, refraction and indeed creation of these theories and practices in literature, life-writing, and other discourses and media. Contributors bring to bear perspectives from literary studies, film studies, critical theory, cultural studies, history, and the history of medicine and psychiatry. Thus, this collection is historical in the most expansive sense, for it debates not only what historical accounts bring to our understanding of this topic. It encompasses, too, investigation of life-writing, theory and literary and documentary works and so brings to light elusive, paradoxical, underexplored – yet vital – issues in history and culture.
240 pages | 7 halftones | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2020
Free digital open access editions are available to download from UCL Press.
Literature and Literary Criticism: Germanic Languages

Table of Contents
Preface Alena Ledeneva and Peter Zusi 1. Medical In/Humanities: The Human and the Humane in the German-Speaking World: An IntroductionMererid Puw Davies and Sonu Shamdasani 2. Pain and Laughter: Dental Treatment as a Comic Motif in Medieval and Early Modern LiteratureSebastian Coxon 3. Combat, Military Medicine and Psychiatric Disorders During and After the Wars of UnificationMark Hewitson 4. From Neurosis to a New Cure of Souls: C.G. Jung’s Remaking of the Psychotherapeutic PatientSonu Shamdasani 5. C. G. Jung and the Berneuchen Movement: Meditation and Active Imagination in Jungian Psychotherapy And Protestant Spiritual Practice in the 1930s Martin Liebscher 6. Humane Horrors: The Dentist in Günter Grass’s örtlich betäubt / Local Anaesthetic (1969)Mererid Puw Davies 7. Inhuman Institutions: Wilhelm Genazino’s Clinical TreatmentsThomas Wilks 8. Medical Experiments on Humans in Kerstin Hensel’s Lärchenau (2008)Ernest Schonfield 9. Burnout Therapy, Cool Conduct and Cold CinemaAnnie Ring Index
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