NIAS Press
Hunting and Fishing in a Kammu Village
Hot Science, High Water
Hearing Southeast Asia
Han Xin’s Challenge
Gender Practices in Contemporary Vietnam
Governing Civil Service Pay in China
Governing Cambodia’s Forests
Going Indochinese
Getting Published
Gendered Entanglements
Gendered Inequalities in Asia
Gender Politics in Asia
Jungle Heart of the Khmer Rouge
Jin Ping Mei – A Wild Horse in Chinese Literature
Japanese Education and the Cram School Business
King Norodom’s Head
Khaki Capital
Kammu Songs
Laotian Pages
Lost Goddesses
Land and Longhouse
The Interplay of the Oral and the Written in Chinese Popular Literature
Indonesian Military After the New Order
In the Land of Pagodas
In Search of Chin Identity
I Will Send My Song
Indonesia and the Muslim World
Ideas, Society and Politics in NE Asia and N Europe
Cultivating Gender
Creative Spaces
Creating Laos
Contesting Visions of the Lao Past
Constructing Singapore
Commoners and Nobles
Co-Management of Natural Resources in Asia
Civil Society and Democratization
Chinese Ways of Being Muslim
Charismatic Monks of Lanna Buddhism
Caring for Strangers
Campaigning in Europe for a Free Indonesia
Cambodia’s Economic Transformation
Cambodians and Their Doctors
Cambodia Votes
The Continuation of Ancient Mathematics
China and Denmark
Childbirth and Tradition in NE Thailand
Campaigning in Europe for a Free Indonesia
Explaining the East Asian Peace
Everyday Justice in Myanmar
Engaging Asia
End of Empire
Electoral Reform and Democracy in Malaysia
East-West Reflections on Demonization
Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Burma
Energy, Governance and Security in Thailand and Myanmar (Burma)
Doing Fieldwork in China ... with Kids!
Divinity and Diversity
Dictionary of Kammu Yùan Language and Culture
Departing from Java
Debating the East Asian Peace
Digital Atlas of Indonesian History
Dialogue with North Korea?
Democratizing Indonesia
Democracy and National Identity in Thailand
Future Forward
From Tribalism to Nationalism
From Subjects to Citizens
From Monobank to Commercial Banking
Four Masters of Chinese Storytelling Storytelling on Video
Follow the Maid
Folk Tales of the Maldives
Fishers, Monks and Cadres
Fiery Dragons
Fieldwork in Timor-Leste
Fengshui in China
Breeds of Empire
The Bodo of Assam
Burma/Myanmar - Where Now?
Burma and Japan Since 1940
Breast Cancer Meanings
Beyond the Singapore Girl
Beyond the Green Myth
Belittled Citizens
The Bodo of Assam
Burma and Japan Since 1940
Better to Rely on Ourselves
Beijing Women Organizing for Change
Beyond Democracy in Cambodia
Beyond Chinatown
After the Great East Japan Earthquake
The Authority of Influence
At a Moment’s Notice
Asian Cities
All Religions Merge in Tranquebar
Afghanistan Beyond the Fog of War
Ancestors in Borneo Societies
Asian Values and Vietnam’s Development
Asia Through Nordic Eyes
UNESCO in Southeast Asia
The UP Saga
Violence and Belonging
Village China at War
Vietnam’s New Middle Classes
States and Societies in Motion
State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet
Social Dynamics of Deforestation in the Philippines
Saying the Unsayable
Salafism and the State
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Negotiating Autonomy in Greater China
Nation, City, Arena
The Nagasaki Peace Discourse
Nordic-China Cooperation
The Malayan Emergency
Mythbusting Vietnam
Monks and Magic
Mongols From Country to City
Monarchical Manipulation in Cambodia
Modernization and Effeminization in India
Modern Muslim Identities
Modern China-Myanmar Relations
Mobile Citizens
Mapping National Anxieties
Mapping Cultural Nationalism
A Meeting of Masks
Mobile Citizens
Mapping Cultural Nationalism
A Mencius Reader
Wu Song Fights the Tiger
Women and Politics in Thailand
Western Han
Warring Societies of Pre-colonial Southeast Asia
War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar
The Work of Gender
Women’s Political Participation and Representation in Asia
War or Peace in the South China Sea?
War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar
Walking a Tightrope
Reinventing Social Democratic Development
Recruit to Revolution
Reaching for the Dream
Reforming Thai Politics
The Power of Ideas
Proper Islamic Consumption
Power, Resistance and Women Politicians in Cambodia
Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan
Politicized Society (2nd ed.)
Power and Dissent in Imperial Japan
Performing the Nation
Performing the Divine
Performing the Arts of Indonesia
People of Virtue
Pattern and Loom
Power and Political Culture in Suharto’s Indonesia
Politics, Culture and Self
Pirates in Paradise
A Poisonous Cocktail?
Other Landscapes
Oral Literature, Gender, and Precedence in East Timor
On the Fringes of the Harmonious Society
Queer/Tongzhi China
Queer Comrades
Rethinking Community in Myanmar
Cambodia’s Trials
Lampang Assessment
Kinship and Food in South East Asia
Tuked Rini, Cosmic Traveller
Trade and Society in the Straits of Melaka
Thaksinization of Thailand
Thai Military Power
Teaching and Learning in Tibet
Living Kinship, Fearing Spirits
Spirit Possession in Buddhist Southeast Asia
Waves of Upheaval in Myanmar
Thai Politics in Translation
Deities and Divas
Community Still Matters
Civil Society Elites
China’s Contested Internet
Fragrant Frontier
Hot Science, High Water
Hearing Southeast Asia
Han Xin’s Challenge
Gender Practices in Contemporary Vietnam
Governing Civil Service Pay in China
Governing Cambodia’s Forests
Going Indochinese
Getting Published
Gendered Entanglements
Gendered Inequalities in Asia
Gender Politics in Asia
Jungle Heart of the Khmer Rouge
Jin Ping Mei – A Wild Horse in Chinese Literature
Japanese Education and the Cram School Business
King Norodom’s Head
Khaki Capital
Kammu Songs
Laotian Pages
Lost Goddesses
Land and Longhouse
The Interplay of the Oral and the Written in Chinese Popular Literature
Indonesian Military After the New Order
In the Land of Pagodas
In Search of Chin Identity
I Will Send My Song
Indonesia and the Muslim World
Ideas, Society and Politics in NE Asia and N Europe
Cultivating Gender
Creative Spaces
Creating Laos
Contesting Visions of the Lao Past
Constructing Singapore
Commoners and Nobles
Co-Management of Natural Resources in Asia
Civil Society and Democratization
Chinese Ways of Being Muslim
Charismatic Monks of Lanna Buddhism
Caring for Strangers
Campaigning in Europe for a Free Indonesia
Cambodia’s Economic Transformation
Cambodians and Their Doctors
Cambodia Votes
The Continuation of Ancient Mathematics
China and Denmark
Childbirth and Tradition in NE Thailand
Campaigning in Europe for a Free Indonesia
Explaining the East Asian Peace
Everyday Justice in Myanmar
Engaging Asia
End of Empire
Electoral Reform and Democracy in Malaysia
East-West Reflections on Demonization
Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Burma
Energy, Governance and Security in Thailand and Myanmar (Burma)
Doing Fieldwork in China ... with Kids!
Divinity and Diversity
Dictionary of Kammu Yùan Language and Culture
Departing from Java
Debating the East Asian Peace
Digital Atlas of Indonesian History
Dialogue with North Korea?
Democratizing Indonesia
Democracy and National Identity in Thailand
Future Forward
From Tribalism to Nationalism
From Subjects to Citizens
From Monobank to Commercial Banking
Four Masters of Chinese Storytelling Storytelling on Video
Follow the Maid
Folk Tales of the Maldives
Fishers, Monks and Cadres
Fiery Dragons
Fieldwork in Timor-Leste
Fengshui in China
Breeds of Empire
The Bodo of Assam
Burma/Myanmar - Where Now?
Burma and Japan Since 1940
Breast Cancer Meanings
Beyond the Singapore Girl
Beyond the Green Myth
Belittled Citizens
The Bodo of Assam
Burma and Japan Since 1940
Better to Rely on Ourselves
Beijing Women Organizing for Change
Beyond Democracy in Cambodia
Beyond Chinatown
After the Great East Japan Earthquake
The Authority of Influence
At a Moment’s Notice
Asian Cities
All Religions Merge in Tranquebar
Afghanistan Beyond the Fog of War
Ancestors in Borneo Societies
Asian Values and Vietnam’s Development
Asia Through Nordic Eyes
UNESCO in Southeast Asia
The UP Saga
Violence and Belonging
Village China at War
Vietnam’s New Middle Classes
States and Societies in Motion
State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet
Social Dynamics of Deforestation in the Philippines
Saying the Unsayable
Salafism and the State
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Negotiating Autonomy in Greater China
Nation, City, Arena
The Nagasaki Peace Discourse
Nordic-China Cooperation
The Malayan Emergency
Mythbusting Vietnam
Monks and Magic
Mongols From Country to City
Monarchical Manipulation in Cambodia
Modernization and Effeminization in India
Modern Muslim Identities
Modern China-Myanmar Relations
Mobile Citizens
Mapping National Anxieties
Mapping Cultural Nationalism
A Meeting of Masks
Mobile Citizens
Mapping Cultural Nationalism
A Mencius Reader
Wu Song Fights the Tiger
Women and Politics in Thailand
Western Han
Warring Societies of Pre-colonial Southeast Asia
War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar
The Work of Gender
Women’s Political Participation and Representation in Asia
War or Peace in the South China Sea?
War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar
Walking a Tightrope
Reinventing Social Democratic Development
Recruit to Revolution
Reaching for the Dream
Reforming Thai Politics
The Power of Ideas
Proper Islamic Consumption
Power, Resistance and Women Politicians in Cambodia
Private Academies of Chinese Learning in Meiji Japan
Politicized Society (2nd ed.)
Power and Dissent in Imperial Japan
Performing the Nation
Performing the Divine
Performing the Arts of Indonesia
People of Virtue
Pattern and Loom
Power and Political Culture in Suharto’s Indonesia
Politics, Culture and Self
Pirates in Paradise
A Poisonous Cocktail?
Other Landscapes
Oral Literature, Gender, and Precedence in East Timor
On the Fringes of the Harmonious Society
Queer/Tongzhi China
Queer Comrades
Rethinking Community in Myanmar
Cambodia’s Trials
Lampang Assessment
Kinship and Food in South East Asia
Tuked Rini, Cosmic Traveller
Trade and Society in the Straits of Melaka
Thaksinization of Thailand
Thai Military Power
Teaching and Learning in Tibet
Living Kinship, Fearing Spirits
Spirit Possession in Buddhist Southeast Asia
Waves of Upheaval in Myanmar
Thai Politics in Translation
Deities and Divas
Community Still Matters
Civil Society Elites
China’s Contested Internet
Fragrant Frontier
Titles By Publisher
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