History of Science
Of Maybugs and Men
Curious Devices and Mighty Machines
Osiris, Volume 37
Green Victorians
Liberty’s Grid
Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins
Predicting the Weather
Nucleus and Nation
Nature’s Mirror
Representing Electrons
On Hysteria
Scientific History
Risky Medicine
Mixed Medicines
The Physics of The Healing
Fictions of the Cosmos
Making "Nature"
Beautiful Experiments
The Book of Minds
Bright Earth
The Elements
How to Grow a Human
Serving the Reich
The Water Kingdom
Blood Relations
Genomes and What to Make of Them
Scientific Knowledge
Nature’s Ghosts
The X Club
Decoding the Hand
The Huxleys
New Earth Histories
Madness and Enterprise
An Artificial History of Natural Intelligence
The Invention of Madness
Defectives in the Land
Hayek and the Evolution of Capitalism
Quantum Dialogue
William Morgan
Charles Bell and the Anatomy of Reform
Visualizing Disease
Galileo, Courtier
Galileo’s Instruments of Credit
Science and Emotions after 1945
Language and the Rise of the Algorithm
Reasoning with the Infinite
Contingent Lives
Visible Empire
The Discovery of Insulin
The Discovery of Insulin
The Cambridge Cockpit and the Paradoxes of Fatigue, 1940–1977
The Enigma of the Aerofoil
Knowledge and Social Imagery
Forever Young
The Varnish and the Glaze
Lab Dog
William James at the Boundaries
Evolutionary Restraints
How Our Days Became Numbered
Life’s Splendid Drama
Making Modern Science, Second Edition
Reconciling Science and Religion
Science for All
The Technical Image
The Second Jurassic Dinosaur Rush
Fifth Business
The Creation of Scientific Effects
The Rise of the Wave Theory of Light
Scientific Practice
Novel Science
Time Travelers
The Fire Ant Wars
Think to New Worlds
Lord Kelvin and the Age of the Earth
The Greatest Adventure
Patterns of Behavior
Accident Prone
Gems and the New Science
From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences
Radium and the Secret of Life
A Tenth of a Second
Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism
Life Breaks In
Tracks on the Ocean
Guide to the History of Science
The Traveling Anatomist
Multiple Exposures
Shaping Science with Rhetoric
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation and Other Evolutionary Writings
Climate by Proxy
Disease, War, and the Imperial State
Foundations of Tropical Forest Biology
Early Chinese Work in Natural Science
Images of Science
Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University
The Sciences in Enlightened Europe
Men Who Made a New Physics
A Rainbow Palate
Climate in Motion
The Earthquake Observers
Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty
Pure Adulteration
The Fate of the Mammoth
The Modulated Scream
The Scientific Revolution
The Open Mind
Dr. Golem
Gravity’s Ghost and Big Dog
Gravity’s Ghost
Gravity’s Shadow
Vaccine Nation
The Young Descartes
The Perfection of Nature
In Search of Mechanisms
Life Atomic
The Life of a Virus
Making Physics
Fermi Remembered
Elton’s Ecologists
The Scientific Journal
Evolution Made to Order
Quantum Mechanics
Curious and Modern Inventions
Biographies of Scientific Objects
Histories of Scientific Observation
The Moral Authority of Nature
Science in the Archives
Sound Knowledge
Chemically Imbalanced
Expedition Relics from High Arctic Greenland
Science Periodicals in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Show Me the Bone
Stations in the Field
Heredity under the Microscope
Discipline and Experience
The Intelligibility of Nature
Global Flu and You
The Mantle of the Earth
Darwin’s Sacred Cause
The Politics of Evolution
Loving Dr. Johnson
Lady Ranelagh
What Nostalgia Was
Merchants of Medicines
Emotionally Disturbed
The Wild Girl, Natural Man, and the Monster
Telescopes, Tides, and Tactics
Tropical Visions in an Age of Empire
Osiris, Volume 31
Waters of the World
Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings
Dr. Calhoun’s Mousery
How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog)
Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose
Medieval Cosmology
To Save the Phenomena
The Mistral
Media and the Mind
Osiris, Volume 29
How the Clinic Made Gender
The Best of All Possible Worlds
Osiris, Volume 32
Darwin and the General Reader
Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860-1950
The Arrival of the Fittest
Imperial Nature
The Quest for Sexual Health
Letters on Natural Philosophy
How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind
The World the Game Theorists Made
Epidemic Invasions
Osiris, Volume 38
Lines of Thought
The Skull Collectors
Gathering Medicines
Primate Paradigms
Operationism in Psychology
Conquest of Abundance
An Elusive Victorian
The Shaky Game
All the Fish in the Sea
Creatively Undecided
Jane Addams’s Evolutionary Theorizing
Anthropologists in the Stock Exchange
Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact
The Limits of Matter
Invalidism and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Britain
The Eye of the Lynx
American Sunshine
An Equation That Changed the World
Making Time
Thomas Kuhn
The Profit of the Earth
Science and Salvation
Science in the Marketplace
Medical Monopoly
The Alexandrian Epitomes of Galen
On Sunspots
Sidereus Nuncius, or The Sidereal Messenger
How Experiments End
Image and Logic
Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics
A Century of Nature
Griffith Evans 1835-1935
Kindred Nature
Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism
Pain, Pleasure, and the Greater Good
Digital Culture
The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe
Uncertain Climes
Scientific Perspectivism
Water Always Wins
Making Jet Engines in World War II
Sound Authorities
Plague Writing in Early Modern England
Exploring the Scientific Method
The Comparative Reception of Darwinism
Geography Unbound
Sweet Science
British Weather and the Climate of Enlightenment
The Experimental Self
Making Natural Knowledge
Scientific Babel
The Disciplinary Revolution
The Essential Naturalist
The Politics of Pure Science
Science for Sale
Science, Money, and Politics
The Doctor Who Wasn’t There
Therapeutic Revolutions
Tuning the World
Botanical Icons
Joseph Harris
Treasuring the Gaze
The TVs of Tomorrow
Membranes to Molecular Machines
Localization and Its Discontents
The Courtiers’ Anatomists
Political Descent
Lesser Harms
From Eve to Evolution
Sexuality and Form
The English Virtuoso
Sea Level
Sex and Scientific Inquiry
Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences
Outsider Scientists
The Scientific Literature
Make It Rain
The Territories of Science and Religion
Wrestling with Nature
Coming To
Styles of Scientific Thought
The Cult of Health and Beauty in Germany
Sleep Demons
My Mother Was a Computer
Sand, Snow, and Stardust
Gentlemen’s Disagreement
Higher and Colder
Science and Culture
A New Map of Wonders
Robert Hooke’s Experimental Philosophy
Victorian Relativity
Kinship by Design
A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy
Terra Incognita
Borders of Care
The Greatest Killer
Haeckel’s Embryos
Creating Mental Illness
Foundations of Animal Behavior
Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions
Sojourners in a Strange Land
American Genesis
Human-Built World
Osiris, Volume 28
Science as a Process
The Full-Length Mirror
Painting with Fire
Wicked Intelligence
A Sense of Space
The Objective Eye
Audubon at Sea
Science, Race, and Ethnicity
Ethics by Committee
Reading the Skies
Dreamscapes of Modernity
Squaring the Circle
The Science of Reading
The Invention of Infinite Growth
The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution
Reckoning with Matter
Red Leviathan
The Lysenko Affair
Defining Features
Ghosts Behind Glass
Drawing Theories Apart
Groovy Science
Quantum Legacies
Chromatic Algorithms
Travels into Print
Fatal Isolation
Borrowed Knowledge
Floating Gold
The Human Animal in Western Art and Science
The Wardian Case
Ocean Bestiary
Modeling Nature
Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe
Disease Maps
Inside Science
Landscapes and Labscapes
Lords of the Fly
Partners in Science
Teaching Children Science
The Analysis of the Self
Intimate Subjects
How We Became Our Data
Model Cases
The Cure
A Martian Stranded on Earth
How Knowledge Moves
Knowledge Flows in a Global Age
Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912
The Essential Tension
The Last Writings of Thomas S. Kuhn
The Road since Structure
Contested Medicine
Beyond the Laboratory
The Trouble with Ancient DNA
The One Culture?
Making Movement Modern
Science on the Air
Fluid Geographies
Geographies of Mars
This Land Is Your Land
Gender and Scientific Authority
Between Copernicus and Galileo
From Mineralogy to Geology
Science Incarnate
The Arts of the Microbial World
What Did the Romans Know?
Neither Donkey nor Horse
The Strategy of Life
An Image of God
Data-Centric Biology
Recipes and Everyday Knowledge
Synthetic Worlds
Fear of Food
Darwin and the Novelists
Bones of Contention
Anatomy of a Train Wreck
The Ascent of Affect
Biological Individuality
The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists
Victorian Popularizers of Science
Victorian Science in Context
Victorian Scientific Naturalism
The Beginnings of Western Science
Science in the Middle Ages
Theories of Vision from Al-kindi to Kepler
When Science and Christianity Meet
Suffering Made Real
War’s Waste
The Laws of Cool
Geographies of Nineteenth-Century Science
Geography and Enlightenment
Putting Science in Its Place
Science in the Forest, Science in the Past
Engineering the Eternal City
Buddhism and Science
Haydn’s Sunrise, Beethoven’s Shadow
Principles of Geology, Volume 1
Principles of Geology, Volume 2
Principles of Geology, Volume 3
Mining in World History
Truth Machine
Tangled Diagnoses
How Does Germline Regenerate?
Contesting Medical Confidentiality
What Is Regeneration?
On Rules Regarding the Practical Part of the Medical Art
Sexualizing Cancer
Germany’s Ancient Pasts
The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan
Forbidden Knowledge
Paradigms and Barriers
Patterns, Thinking, and Cognition
Commercial Visions
Between Raphael and Galileo
The Genesis Quest
Back to the Breast
Crossing the Boundaries of Life
Visions of Cell Biology
Why Study Biology by the Sea?
The Science of Walking
Sites of the Unconscious
The Female in Aristotle’s Biology
Autistic Intelligence
Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge
Reactionary Mathematics
Colonialism and Science
Making Spirit Matter
Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic
Green Lands for White Men
The Great Paleolithic War
Kant’s Organicism
The Lady Anatomist
Hawking Incorporated
Physics Envy
Under Osman’s Tree
Osiris, Volume 30
The Ark and Beyond
Departing from Deviance
Documenting the World
Osiris, Volume 19
The State of Nature
Air Apparent
Coast Lines
Rhumb Lines and Map Wars
Science in Translation
Developing to Scale
The Outward Mind
Why Icebergs Float
The Ashtray
The Matter Factory
Race and Photography
When Physics Became King
Wondrous Curiosities
Novelties in the Heavens
Oceans under Glass
Brown Skins, White Coats
Doctoring Traditions
The Dancing Bees
Secrets of the Universe
The Province of Affliction
Observing by Hand
Mobilizing Mutations
Model Behavior
Enlightenment Biopolitics
Alchemy Tried in the Fire
Atoms and Alchemy
Gehennical Fire
Promethean Ambitions
Plasticity in the Life Sciences
The Phoenix
Making Sense of Medicine
From Man to Ape
Alchemy and Authority in the Holy Roman Empire
Michael Polanyi and His Generation
Biology Takes Form
Modern Nature
Joseph Banks
The Earth on Show
Picturing Landscape in an Age of Extraction
The Science of Describing
The Highlands Controversy
Discerning Experts
Science on a Mission
Rum Maniacs
The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France
Bitter Roots
Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950
The Victorian Eye
The Darkened Room
The Place of Enchantment
The Hunterian Lectures in Comparative Anatomy, May and June 1837
On the Nature of Limbs
Misbehaving Science
On Monsters and Marvels
London Voices, 1820–1840
Patent Politics
The Nature of the Future
Pragmatism’s Evolution
Intoxicated Ways of Knowing
From Data to Quanta
The Science of Deception
The New Math
Acolytes of Nature
Constructing Quarks
The Cybernetic Brain
The Mangle of Practice
Looking Forward
Philosophy of Pseudoscience
The Ovary of Eve
The Tacit Dimension
Synthesizing Hope
A History of the Modern Fact
The Spanish Disquiet
Materials of the Mind
Inventing Chemistry
Loving Faster than Light
The Correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes
The Secrets of Alchemy
The Transmutations of Chymistry
Wired Together
The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics
Sewall Wright and Evolutionary Biology
African Pharmakon
Peoples on Parade
Demands of the Day
French DNA
Making PCR
Life on Display
Disputed Inheritance
The Simian Tongue
Life on Ice
The New Prometheans
Terrestrial Lessons
The Experimental Fire
Chance in Evolution
Panaceia’s Daughters
The Poison Trials
After the Map
Lost Maps of the Caliphs
The Postgenomic Condition
The Infanticide Controversy
Osiris, Volume 34
The Cuban Cure
Tides of History
Science in America
The Third Lens
Reading Practice
The Gene
Split and Splice
How to Make a Vaccine
Darwin and the Making of Sexual Selection
Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior
Debating Darwin
Kuhn’s ’Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ at Fifty
The Meaning of Evolution
The Romantic Conception of Life
The Tragic Sense of Life
Was Hitler a Darwinian?
Death, Dissection and the Destitute
The Maternal Imprint
Sex Itself
Not By Genes Alone
A Natural History of Time
Osiris, Volume 33
The Perfect Servant
Tunnel Visions
Genesis Redux
The Restless Clock
Science in the Age of Sensibility
The Dawn of Green
Sentimental Savants
Einstein in Oxford
The Coldest Crucible
Before Nature
Image and Reality
Knowing Manchuria
Darwinian Reductionism
Economics--Mathematical Politics or Science of Diminishing Returns?
The Republic of Color
The Dark Abyss of Time
The Pursuit of Harmony
Poisonous Skies
Giordano Bruno
The Scarith of Scornello
Bursting the Limits of Time
Earth’s Deep History
Georges Cuvier, Fossil Bones, and Geological Catastrophes
The Great Devonian Controversy
The Meaning of Fossils
Scenes from Deep Time
Worlds Before Adam
Alexander von Humboldt
Richard Owen
The Darwinian Revolution
The Gaia Hypothesis
The Optics of Ibn al-Haytham Books IV–V
Measuring the New World
Articulating Difference
The Crime of Galileo
The Refracted Muse
The Diffident Naturalist
A Mother’s Manual for the Women of Ferrara
The Natural Origins of Economics
A Contagious Cause
About Method
Two Medical Manuscripts
The People’s Peking Man
Red Revolution, Green Revolution
Durkheim’s Philosophy of Science and the Sociology of Knowledge
Midlife Crisis
The Crafting of the 10,000 Things
Victorian Sensation
Visions of Science
Unearthing Fermi’s Geophysics
The Most Secret Quintessence of Life
Carbon Technocracy
Catastrophic Thinking
The Paleobiological Revolution
Rereading the Fossil Record
Replaceable You
Mathematical Recreations in the Middle Ages
Before Voltaire
The Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment
Eating and Being
The Scientific Life
The Scientific Revolution
A Social History of Truth
Trying Biology
Evidence2 + Evidence3 = Evidence5 = Evidence = One (Double Evidence Plus Triple Evidence Equals Quintuple Evidence If and Only If Evidence Is Unitary)
Unearthing the Nation
Moved by Love
For the Love of Mars
The Life and Science of Harold C. Urey
Biotic Borders
The Court Midwife
Ecological Explosions
Vital Minimum
Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine
Standardizing Sex
The Paper Zoo
Creating a Physical Biology
Extraordinary Women in Science & Medicine
From Sight to Light
The Science of Energy
The Body of the Artisan
From Lived Experience to the Written Word
Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
Between Mind and Nature
Reforming Philosophy
Cultural Locations of Disability
History Within
Eating the Enlightenment
Osiris, Volume 35
Utopia’s Garden
Darwin’s Evolving Identity
Einstein’s Generation
Huxley’s Church and Maxwell’s Demon
Practical Mystic
Alchemical Laboratory Notebooks and Correspondence
A Global Enlightenment
Biotechnology and Society
Life Out of Sequence
Casanova’s Lottery
The Myth of Disenchantment
Collecting Experiments
Primate Encounters
Unfreezing the Arctic
Healing the Land and the Nation
William James, MD
Inference and Representation
The End is Nigh
Crafting Medicine
Defining Nature’s Limits
The World in a Box
Catching Nature in the Act
The Man Who Flattened the Earth
An American Obsession
Science and Technology Encyclopedia
Darwin’s Most Wonderful Plants
Curious Creatures on Our Shores
Africa as a Living Laboratory
Osiris, Volume 36
Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness
Thinking with Sound
Dr. Nurse
Reading the Book of Nature
Creative Understanding
The Architecture of Matter
The Discovery of Time
The Fabric of the Heavens
The Notorious Astrological Physician of London
The Romantic Machine
The Moment of Racial Sight
Greening the Alliance
The Pontecorvo Affair
From Counterculture to Cyberculture
Pure Intelligence
The Lost History of the New Madrid Earthquakes
Measuring the Universe
Men among the Mammoths
Science and an African Logic
Seeing Like a Rover
Shaping Science
The Nature and Nurture of Love
Solar Guerrilla
Hearing Happiness
Osiris, Volume 39
Essay on the Geography of Plants
Political Essay on the Island of Cuba
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 1
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 2
Views of Nature
Pushing Cool
The Disordered Police State
Beauty and the Brain
The Passage to Cosmos
Starved for Light
Tools and the Organism
The Nazi Symbiosis
Restricted Data
Partial Stories
Thrifty Science
Of the Plurality of Worlds
Birth Figures
The Halle Orphanage as Scientific Community
On the Heels of Ignorance
The Measure of Times Past
Galileo’s Idol
Appetite and Its Discontents
The AMS Weather Book
The Triumph of Human Empire
Women in the History of Science
Living with Polio
Science in the Age of Computer Simulation
Reading the Shape of Nature
Making Marie Curie
Aesthetics, Industry, and Science
The Moral Meaning of Nature
Aesthetic Science
Born This Way
Evan James Williams
Learned Patriots
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
The Recombinant University
A Final Story
The Gestation of German Biology
The Other Dark Matter
A Planet of Viruses
Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany
Nuclear Minds
Curious Devices and Mighty Machines
Osiris, Volume 37
Green Victorians
Liberty’s Grid
Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins
Predicting the Weather
Nucleus and Nation
Nature’s Mirror
Representing Electrons
On Hysteria
Scientific History
Risky Medicine
Mixed Medicines
The Physics of The Healing
Fictions of the Cosmos
Making "Nature"
Beautiful Experiments
The Book of Minds
Bright Earth
The Elements
How to Grow a Human
Serving the Reich
The Water Kingdom
Blood Relations
Genomes and What to Make of Them
Scientific Knowledge
Nature’s Ghosts
The X Club
Decoding the Hand
The Huxleys
New Earth Histories
Madness and Enterprise
An Artificial History of Natural Intelligence
The Invention of Madness
Defectives in the Land
Hayek and the Evolution of Capitalism
Quantum Dialogue
William Morgan
Charles Bell and the Anatomy of Reform
Visualizing Disease
Galileo, Courtier
Galileo’s Instruments of Credit
Science and Emotions after 1945
Language and the Rise of the Algorithm
Reasoning with the Infinite
Contingent Lives
Visible Empire
The Discovery of Insulin
The Discovery of Insulin
The Cambridge Cockpit and the Paradoxes of Fatigue, 1940–1977
The Enigma of the Aerofoil
Knowledge and Social Imagery
Forever Young
The Varnish and the Glaze
Lab Dog
William James at the Boundaries
Evolutionary Restraints
How Our Days Became Numbered
Life’s Splendid Drama
Making Modern Science, Second Edition
Reconciling Science and Religion
Science for All
The Technical Image
The Second Jurassic Dinosaur Rush
Fifth Business
The Creation of Scientific Effects
The Rise of the Wave Theory of Light
Scientific Practice
Novel Science
Time Travelers
The Fire Ant Wars
Think to New Worlds
Lord Kelvin and the Age of the Earth
The Greatest Adventure
Patterns of Behavior
Accident Prone
Gems and the New Science
From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences
Radium and the Secret of Life
A Tenth of a Second
Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism
Life Breaks In
Tracks on the Ocean
Guide to the History of Science
The Traveling Anatomist
Multiple Exposures
Shaping Science with Rhetoric
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation and Other Evolutionary Writings
Climate by Proxy
Disease, War, and the Imperial State
Foundations of Tropical Forest Biology
Early Chinese Work in Natural Science
Images of Science
Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University
The Sciences in Enlightened Europe
Men Who Made a New Physics
A Rainbow Palate
Climate in Motion
The Earthquake Observers
Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty
Pure Adulteration
The Fate of the Mammoth
The Modulated Scream
The Scientific Revolution
The Open Mind
Dr. Golem
Gravity’s Ghost and Big Dog
Gravity’s Ghost
Gravity’s Shadow
Vaccine Nation
The Young Descartes
The Perfection of Nature
In Search of Mechanisms
Life Atomic
The Life of a Virus
Making Physics
Fermi Remembered
Elton’s Ecologists
The Scientific Journal
Evolution Made to Order
Quantum Mechanics
Curious and Modern Inventions
Biographies of Scientific Objects
Histories of Scientific Observation
The Moral Authority of Nature
Science in the Archives
Sound Knowledge
Chemically Imbalanced
Expedition Relics from High Arctic Greenland
Science Periodicals in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Show Me the Bone
Stations in the Field
Heredity under the Microscope
Discipline and Experience
The Intelligibility of Nature
Global Flu and You
The Mantle of the Earth
Darwin’s Sacred Cause
The Politics of Evolution
Loving Dr. Johnson
Lady Ranelagh
What Nostalgia Was
Merchants of Medicines
Emotionally Disturbed
The Wild Girl, Natural Man, and the Monster
Telescopes, Tides, and Tactics
Tropical Visions in an Age of Empire
Osiris, Volume 31
Waters of the World
Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings
Dr. Calhoun’s Mousery
How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog)
Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose
Medieval Cosmology
To Save the Phenomena
The Mistral
Media and the Mind
Osiris, Volume 29
How the Clinic Made Gender
The Best of All Possible Worlds
Osiris, Volume 32
Darwin and the General Reader
Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860-1950
The Arrival of the Fittest
Imperial Nature
The Quest for Sexual Health
Letters on Natural Philosophy
How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind
The World the Game Theorists Made
Epidemic Invasions
Osiris, Volume 38
Lines of Thought
The Skull Collectors
Gathering Medicines
Primate Paradigms
Operationism in Psychology
Conquest of Abundance
An Elusive Victorian
The Shaky Game
All the Fish in the Sea
Creatively Undecided
Jane Addams’s Evolutionary Theorizing
Anthropologists in the Stock Exchange
Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact
The Limits of Matter
Invalidism and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Britain
The Eye of the Lynx
American Sunshine
An Equation That Changed the World
Making Time
Thomas Kuhn
The Profit of the Earth
Science and Salvation
Science in the Marketplace
Medical Monopoly
The Alexandrian Epitomes of Galen
On Sunspots
Sidereus Nuncius, or The Sidereal Messenger
How Experiments End
Image and Logic
Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics
A Century of Nature
Griffith Evans 1835-1935
Kindred Nature
Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism
Pain, Pleasure, and the Greater Good
Digital Culture
The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe
Uncertain Climes
Scientific Perspectivism
Water Always Wins
Making Jet Engines in World War II
Sound Authorities
Plague Writing in Early Modern England
Exploring the Scientific Method
The Comparative Reception of Darwinism
Geography Unbound
Sweet Science
British Weather and the Climate of Enlightenment
The Experimental Self
Making Natural Knowledge
Scientific Babel
The Disciplinary Revolution
The Essential Naturalist
The Politics of Pure Science
Science for Sale
Science, Money, and Politics
The Doctor Who Wasn’t There
Therapeutic Revolutions
Tuning the World
Botanical Icons
Joseph Harris
Treasuring the Gaze
The TVs of Tomorrow
Membranes to Molecular Machines
Localization and Its Discontents
The Courtiers’ Anatomists
Political Descent
Lesser Harms
From Eve to Evolution
Sexuality and Form
The English Virtuoso
Sea Level
Sex and Scientific Inquiry
Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences
Outsider Scientists
The Scientific Literature
Make It Rain
The Territories of Science and Religion
Wrestling with Nature
Coming To
Styles of Scientific Thought
The Cult of Health and Beauty in Germany
Sleep Demons
My Mother Was a Computer
Sand, Snow, and Stardust
Gentlemen’s Disagreement
Higher and Colder
Science and Culture
A New Map of Wonders
Robert Hooke’s Experimental Philosophy
Victorian Relativity
Kinship by Design
A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy
Terra Incognita
Borders of Care
The Greatest Killer
Haeckel’s Embryos
Creating Mental Illness
Foundations of Animal Behavior
Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions
Sojourners in a Strange Land
American Genesis
Human-Built World
Osiris, Volume 28
Science as a Process
The Full-Length Mirror
Painting with Fire
Wicked Intelligence
A Sense of Space
The Objective Eye
Audubon at Sea
Science, Race, and Ethnicity
Ethics by Committee
Reading the Skies
Dreamscapes of Modernity
Squaring the Circle
The Science of Reading
The Invention of Infinite Growth
The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution
Reckoning with Matter
Red Leviathan
The Lysenko Affair
Defining Features
Ghosts Behind Glass
Drawing Theories Apart
Groovy Science
Quantum Legacies
Chromatic Algorithms
Travels into Print
Fatal Isolation
Borrowed Knowledge
Floating Gold
The Human Animal in Western Art and Science
The Wardian Case
Ocean Bestiary
Modeling Nature
Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe
Disease Maps
Inside Science
Landscapes and Labscapes
Lords of the Fly
Partners in Science
Teaching Children Science
The Analysis of the Self
Intimate Subjects
How We Became Our Data
Model Cases
The Cure
A Martian Stranded on Earth
How Knowledge Moves
Knowledge Flows in a Global Age
Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912
The Essential Tension
The Last Writings of Thomas S. Kuhn
The Road since Structure
Contested Medicine
Beyond the Laboratory
The Trouble with Ancient DNA
The One Culture?
Making Movement Modern
Science on the Air
Fluid Geographies
Geographies of Mars
This Land Is Your Land
Gender and Scientific Authority
Between Copernicus and Galileo
From Mineralogy to Geology
Science Incarnate
The Arts of the Microbial World
What Did the Romans Know?
Neither Donkey nor Horse
The Strategy of Life
An Image of God
Data-Centric Biology
Recipes and Everyday Knowledge
Synthetic Worlds
Fear of Food
Darwin and the Novelists
Bones of Contention
Anatomy of a Train Wreck
The Ascent of Affect
Biological Individuality
The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists
Victorian Popularizers of Science
Victorian Science in Context
Victorian Scientific Naturalism
The Beginnings of Western Science
Science in the Middle Ages
Theories of Vision from Al-kindi to Kepler
When Science and Christianity Meet
Suffering Made Real
War’s Waste
The Laws of Cool
Geographies of Nineteenth-Century Science
Geography and Enlightenment
Putting Science in Its Place
Science in the Forest, Science in the Past
Engineering the Eternal City
Buddhism and Science
Haydn’s Sunrise, Beethoven’s Shadow
Principles of Geology, Volume 1
Principles of Geology, Volume 2
Principles of Geology, Volume 3
Mining in World History
Truth Machine
Tangled Diagnoses
How Does Germline Regenerate?
Contesting Medical Confidentiality
What Is Regeneration?
On Rules Regarding the Practical Part of the Medical Art
Sexualizing Cancer
Germany’s Ancient Pasts
The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan
Forbidden Knowledge
Paradigms and Barriers
Patterns, Thinking, and Cognition
Commercial Visions
Between Raphael and Galileo
The Genesis Quest
Back to the Breast
Crossing the Boundaries of Life
Visions of Cell Biology
Why Study Biology by the Sea?
The Science of Walking
Sites of the Unconscious
The Female in Aristotle’s Biology
Autistic Intelligence
Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge
Reactionary Mathematics
Colonialism and Science
Making Spirit Matter
Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic
Green Lands for White Men
The Great Paleolithic War
Kant’s Organicism
The Lady Anatomist
Hawking Incorporated
Physics Envy
Under Osman’s Tree
Osiris, Volume 30
The Ark and Beyond
Departing from Deviance
Documenting the World
Osiris, Volume 19
The State of Nature
Air Apparent
Coast Lines
Rhumb Lines and Map Wars
Science in Translation
Developing to Scale
The Outward Mind
Why Icebergs Float
The Ashtray
The Matter Factory
Race and Photography
When Physics Became King
Wondrous Curiosities
Novelties in the Heavens
Oceans under Glass
Brown Skins, White Coats
Doctoring Traditions
The Dancing Bees
Secrets of the Universe
The Province of Affliction
Observing by Hand
Mobilizing Mutations
Model Behavior
Enlightenment Biopolitics
Alchemy Tried in the Fire
Atoms and Alchemy
Gehennical Fire
Promethean Ambitions
Plasticity in the Life Sciences
The Phoenix
Making Sense of Medicine
From Man to Ape
Alchemy and Authority in the Holy Roman Empire
Michael Polanyi and His Generation
Biology Takes Form
Modern Nature
Joseph Banks
The Earth on Show
Picturing Landscape in an Age of Extraction
The Science of Describing
The Highlands Controversy
Discerning Experts
Science on a Mission
Rum Maniacs
The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France
Bitter Roots
Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950
The Victorian Eye
The Darkened Room
The Place of Enchantment
The Hunterian Lectures in Comparative Anatomy, May and June 1837
On the Nature of Limbs
Misbehaving Science
On Monsters and Marvels
London Voices, 1820–1840
Patent Politics
The Nature of the Future
Pragmatism’s Evolution
Intoxicated Ways of Knowing
From Data to Quanta
The Science of Deception
The New Math
Acolytes of Nature
Constructing Quarks
The Cybernetic Brain
The Mangle of Practice
Looking Forward
Philosophy of Pseudoscience
The Ovary of Eve
The Tacit Dimension
Synthesizing Hope
A History of the Modern Fact
The Spanish Disquiet
Materials of the Mind
Inventing Chemistry
Loving Faster than Light
The Correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes
The Secrets of Alchemy
The Transmutations of Chymistry
Wired Together
The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics
Sewall Wright and Evolutionary Biology
African Pharmakon
Peoples on Parade
Demands of the Day
French DNA
Making PCR
Life on Display
Disputed Inheritance
The Simian Tongue
Life on Ice
The New Prometheans
Terrestrial Lessons
The Experimental Fire
Chance in Evolution
Panaceia’s Daughters
The Poison Trials
After the Map
Lost Maps of the Caliphs
The Postgenomic Condition
The Infanticide Controversy
Osiris, Volume 34
The Cuban Cure
Tides of History
Science in America
The Third Lens
Reading Practice
The Gene
Split and Splice
How to Make a Vaccine
Darwin and the Making of Sexual Selection
Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior
Debating Darwin
Kuhn’s ’Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ at Fifty
The Meaning of Evolution
The Romantic Conception of Life
The Tragic Sense of Life
Was Hitler a Darwinian?
Death, Dissection and the Destitute
The Maternal Imprint
Sex Itself
Not By Genes Alone
A Natural History of Time
Osiris, Volume 33
The Perfect Servant
Tunnel Visions
Genesis Redux
The Restless Clock
Science in the Age of Sensibility
The Dawn of Green
Sentimental Savants
Einstein in Oxford
The Coldest Crucible
Before Nature
Image and Reality
Knowing Manchuria
Darwinian Reductionism
Economics--Mathematical Politics or Science of Diminishing Returns?
The Republic of Color
The Dark Abyss of Time
The Pursuit of Harmony
Poisonous Skies
Giordano Bruno
The Scarith of Scornello
Bursting the Limits of Time
Earth’s Deep History
Georges Cuvier, Fossil Bones, and Geological Catastrophes
The Great Devonian Controversy
The Meaning of Fossils
Scenes from Deep Time
Worlds Before Adam
Alexander von Humboldt
Richard Owen
The Darwinian Revolution
The Gaia Hypothesis
The Optics of Ibn al-Haytham Books IV–V
Measuring the New World
Articulating Difference
The Crime of Galileo
The Refracted Muse
The Diffident Naturalist
A Mother’s Manual for the Women of Ferrara
The Natural Origins of Economics
A Contagious Cause
About Method
Two Medical Manuscripts
The People’s Peking Man
Red Revolution, Green Revolution
Durkheim’s Philosophy of Science and the Sociology of Knowledge
Midlife Crisis
The Crafting of the 10,000 Things
Victorian Sensation
Visions of Science
Unearthing Fermi’s Geophysics
The Most Secret Quintessence of Life
Carbon Technocracy
Catastrophic Thinking
The Paleobiological Revolution
Rereading the Fossil Record
Replaceable You
Mathematical Recreations in the Middle Ages
Before Voltaire
The Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment
Eating and Being
The Scientific Life
The Scientific Revolution
A Social History of Truth
Trying Biology
Evidence2 + Evidence3 = Evidence5 = Evidence = One (Double Evidence Plus Triple Evidence Equals Quintuple Evidence If and Only If Evidence Is Unitary)
Unearthing the Nation
Moved by Love
For the Love of Mars
The Life and Science of Harold C. Urey
Biotic Borders
The Court Midwife
Ecological Explosions
Vital Minimum
Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine
Standardizing Sex
The Paper Zoo
Creating a Physical Biology
Extraordinary Women in Science & Medicine
From Sight to Light
The Science of Energy
The Body of the Artisan
From Lived Experience to the Written Word
Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
Between Mind and Nature
Reforming Philosophy
Cultural Locations of Disability
History Within
Eating the Enlightenment
Osiris, Volume 35
Utopia’s Garden
Darwin’s Evolving Identity
Einstein’s Generation
Huxley’s Church and Maxwell’s Demon
Practical Mystic
Alchemical Laboratory Notebooks and Correspondence
A Global Enlightenment
Biotechnology and Society
Life Out of Sequence
Casanova’s Lottery
The Myth of Disenchantment
Collecting Experiments
Primate Encounters
Unfreezing the Arctic
Healing the Land and the Nation
William James, MD
Inference and Representation
The End is Nigh
Crafting Medicine
Defining Nature’s Limits
The World in a Box
Catching Nature in the Act
The Man Who Flattened the Earth
An American Obsession
Science and Technology Encyclopedia
Darwin’s Most Wonderful Plants
Curious Creatures on Our Shores
Africa as a Living Laboratory
Osiris, Volume 36
Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness
Thinking with Sound
Dr. Nurse
Reading the Book of Nature
Creative Understanding
The Architecture of Matter
The Discovery of Time
The Fabric of the Heavens
The Notorious Astrological Physician of London
The Romantic Machine
The Moment of Racial Sight
Greening the Alliance
The Pontecorvo Affair
From Counterculture to Cyberculture
Pure Intelligence
The Lost History of the New Madrid Earthquakes
Measuring the Universe
Men among the Mammoths
Science and an African Logic
Seeing Like a Rover
Shaping Science
The Nature and Nurture of Love
Solar Guerrilla
Hearing Happiness
Osiris, Volume 39
Essay on the Geography of Plants
Political Essay on the Island of Cuba
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 1
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 2
Views of Nature
Pushing Cool
The Disordered Police State
Beauty and the Brain
The Passage to Cosmos
Starved for Light
Tools and the Organism
The Nazi Symbiosis
Restricted Data
Partial Stories
Thrifty Science
Of the Plurality of Worlds
Birth Figures
The Halle Orphanage as Scientific Community
On the Heels of Ignorance
The Measure of Times Past
Galileo’s Idol
Appetite and Its Discontents
The AMS Weather Book
The Triumph of Human Empire
Women in the History of Science
Living with Polio
Science in the Age of Computer Simulation
Reading the Shape of Nature
Making Marie Curie
Aesthetics, Industry, and Science
The Moral Meaning of Nature
Aesthetic Science
Born This Way
Evan James Williams
Learned Patriots
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
The Recombinant University
A Final Story
The Gestation of German Biology
The Other Dark Matter
A Planet of Viruses
Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany
Nuclear Minds
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