American History
Related Subjects
- African History
- American History
- Ancient and Classical History
- Asian History
- British and Irish History
- Discoveries and Exploration
- Environmental History
- European History
- General History
- History of Ideas
- History of Technology
- Latin American History
- Middle Eastern History
- Military History
- Urban History
The Making of an All-America City
The American Robot
The Specter of Salem
Decadent Women
Sideshow U.S.A.
The Old-Time Saloon
Murder in New Orleans
The Price of Power
The Streets of San Francisco
Futures after Progress
Cartographies of Travel and Navigation
Imperial Material
The Delight Makers
Nature Religion in America
Why Parties Matter
Why Parties?
Liberty’s Grid
Commodity & Propriety
The Northeast Corridor
Yasuhiro Ishimoto
Talking to Strangers
St. Louis and the Great War
The Crescent Obscured
Big Bosses
Making Mexican Chicago
Predicting the Weather
The Battle for the Fourteenth Colony
On Hobos and Homelessness
Nature’s Mirror
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
The Complete Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
America’s Philosopher
Forging Gay Identities
Why the Turkey Didn’t Fly
Risky Medicine
Rethinking Therapeutic Culture
The Clerk’s Tale
White Slaves, African Masters
Boston’s Oldest Buildings and Where to Find Them
A History of Boston in 50 Artifacts
In the Watches of the Night
Becoming Historians
Barbaric Intercourse
The Rise and Fall of Morris Ernst, Free Speech Renegade
Abigail and John Adams
Sacred Relics
Code Name Puritan
Friends Disappear
Nature’s Ghosts
Meet Joe Copper
Organizing Workers in the Shadow of Slavery
Defectives in the Land
Forbidden Signs
The Dynamics of Business-Government Relations
Manliness and Civilization
Prohibition, the Constitution, and States’ Rights
The Culture of Feedback
The Culture of Spontaneity
The Broken Covenant
Making Up Our Mind
The New Metaphysicals
The Third City
New Orleans and the Creation of Transatlantic Opera, 1819–1859
In Time of War
Lonesome Roads and Streets of Dreams
Making Social Welfare Policy in America
The Anatomy of National Fantasy
Metropolitan Jews
Rehabilitating Lochner
Freeman’s Challenge
The Mild Voice of Reason
Touchy Subject
American Paper Mills, 1690–1832
The Hollywood War Film
Altered States
Black New Orleans, 1860-1880
The Making of Modern Medicine
The New Church in the New World
The Great American Transit Disaster
How States Shaped Postwar America
Weimar Under the Palms
Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain, 1942
Artists, Advertising, and the Borders of Art
Freak Show
Empire of Liberty
Southern Stalemate
The Genius of American Politics
The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson
The Mysterious Science of the Law
Appalachia as Contested Borderland of the Early Modern Atlantic, 1528-1715
Evidence of Being
How Our Days Became Numbered
American Indians and Christian Missions
The University of Chicago
The Reckless Decade
American Progressive History
The Puritan Experiment
American Philanthropy
Nobody’s Nation
Finance in America
The Second Jurassic Dinosaur Rush
Sundays at Sinai
Housekeeping by Design
Visualizing American Empire
Tomorrow Never Knows
Up North
Alien Neighbors, Foreign Friends
Between Mao and McCarthy
Liberty Power
Mapping Nature across the Americas
Rosie’s Mom
Beyond the Frontier
Richard Hofstadter
She Devils at the Door
Hope and Scorn
Home Front
On The Ho Chi Minh Trail
Vietnam Zippos
The Fire Ant Wars
Think to New Worlds
Black Scare / Red Scare
The Politics of Piracy
The Conundrum of Class
Patterns of Behavior
The Point of the Needle
Planters, Merchants, and Slaves
The Sounding of the Whale
After Freud Left
A Peaceful Conquest
The Making of Tocqueville’s America
Envisioning the Nation
Follow Your Conscience
Sociology in America
Charles Ellis Johnson and the Erotic Mormon Image
A Fan’s Life
Intimate States
Theodore Roosevelt in the Field
Frontier Seaport
Adulthood in Britain and the United States from 1350 to Generation Z
None of Your Damn Business
Tracks on the Ocean
Meanings for Manhood
Operation Whisper
Peculiar Places
Beautiful Democracy
Blue Notes in Black and White
Mastery and Drift
Shaped by the State
Invisible Masters
High-Profile Crimes
Assassin of Youth
Rising Above
War Stories
Civic Gifts
Politics and Partnerships
Promiscuous Knowledge
Treasures from the Hispanic Society Library
Duke Ellington’s America
The Flash Press
The Open Mind
The War of 1812
Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits
The Chicago School of Architecture
Crafting Equality
Vaccine Nation
History’s Shadow
The Lies of the Land
Museums and American Intellectual Life, 1876-1926
A World More Concrete
The Cultural Turn in U. S. History
Pick Up the Pieces
The Feeling of Forgetting
Religious Intolerance, America, and the World
Health and Labor Force Participation over the Life Cycle
Make Yourselves Gods
Holy Nation
The Killing Age
Fashion and Its Social Agendas
The Coming of the Civil War
Life Atomic
The Life of a Virus
Taxi-Dance Hall
Tramp in America
Strike Up the Band
My Three Dads
Machines of Youth
Packaged Pleasures
Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States, Volume 3
Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States, Volumes 1 and 2
The Enduring Classroom
The Nation Takes Shape
Stories from the Mines
The Constitution in Congress: Democrats and Whigs, 1829-1861
The Constitution in Congress: Descent into the Maelstrom, 1829-1861
The Constitution in Congress: The Federalist Period, 1789-1801
The Constitution in Congress: The Jeffersonians, 1801-1829
The Constitution in the Supreme Court
The Constitution in the Supreme Court
The Constitution of the United States
Evolution Made to Order
Lost Prophet
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities
Building the American Republic, Volume 2
Colonial New Hampshire
Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America
The Revolution Remembered
The Color of Mind
Empire of Defense
Attorney for the Damned
Faith, Family, and Flag
The Sympathetic State
Friends of the Unrighteous Mammon
Deep South
The Academy and the Award
Accounts of Innocence
Chicago’s Historic Hyde Park
Building the Devil’s Empire
Arthur Dove
Italian Experience in America
On Christopher Street
Citizen Hobo
Exotics at Home
Eugene O’Neill’s America
The Lost Soul of American Politics
The Promise of Pragmatism
Why Niebuhr Now?
The World the Trains Made
The Origins of Cool in Postwar America
Transforming Images
Fire under the Ashes
Merchants of Medicines
Emotionally Disturbed
American Folklore
Benton, Pollock, and the Politics of Modernism
Memorial Mania
Surviving the Essex
Standing Up for Civil Rights in St. Louis
When We Imagine Grace
The Anti-Federalist
Inventing Ethan Allen
Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose
Natural Visions
Seeing Green
Nonprofit Neighborhoods
The Enduring Riddle of Mackenzie King
The Experimenters
A Nation of Speechifiers
Bankers in the Ivory Tower
Until Choice Do Us Part
How the Clinic Made Gender
A Hercules in the Cradle
Globalizing American Studies
School Yearbook
American Taxation, American Slavery
Property Rules
Jewish Identities in the American West
Plowshares into Swords
Last Words of the Executed
Gossip Men
Reconstructing the Commercial Republic
Inventing American Tradition
American Catholicism
Cato’s Tears and the Making of Anglo-American Emotion
Beyond Redemption
More Important Than the Music
The Political Theory of The Federalist
Analog Superpowers
The Rumble in the Jungle
Steppin’ Out
Swingin’ the Dream
The War in American Culture
Making the Unequal Metropolis
How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind
The World the Game Theorists Made
The Shaping of American Liberalism
The Treaty of Portsmouth and Its Legacies
Modernizing Main Street
Epidemic Invasions
Dinner in Camelot
Black Nationalism
Slave Wales
Free Spaces
Wage Justice
The Skull Collectors
You Are Not a Kinesthetic Learner
Lincoln’s Constitution
Chicago ’68
Sloan Rules
Nixon at the Movies
Midwestern Food
Free Expression and Democracy in America
American Economic Policy in the 1980s
More than Ordinary
The Trial in American Life
Brown in the Windy City
Race, Rights, and Rifles
All the Fish in the Sea
Made in America
Government and the American Economy
A Prelude to the Welfare State
Presidents and Their Books
American Sweepstakes
The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism
Soldier Field
Documenting Intimate Matters
A Place for Us
Trials of Intimacy
Objectifying China, Imagining America
The Conquest of Cool
Reconstruction after the Civil War, Third Edition
The Cult of Creativity
Indian Reservations in the United States
Maternal Justice
Garden Apartments
Witness to the Young Republic
American Sunshine
Colored Property
The Cycling City
New York Undercover
Paris Blues
Travelers, Tracks, and Tycoons: The Railroad in American Legend and Life
The Philippines and Japan in America’s Shadow
The Body of Faith
The Profit of the Earth
American Economic Growth and Standards of Living before the Civil War
The Musician as Philosopher
The Making of the New Deal Democrats
The Importance of Being Urban
Freedom’s Ballot
After They Closed the Gates
Imagining Judeo-Christian America
Dissent in American Religion
Going for Jazz
Vaudeville Melodies
Flavor and Soul
States of Exception in American History
The Dividends of Dissent
Uncertain Climes
Sound Diplomacy
Boll Weevil Blues
Making Jet Engines in World War II
Black Patriots and Loyalists
Perfect Cities
Redeeming Culture
Whose Fair?
Bedrooms of the Fallen
The Human Shore
American Mediterraneans
The War on Words
The Fatal Embrace
50 Years of UC Blue Ash College
Corruption and Reform
Is It Nation Time?
Buying Power
Getting There
Citizens and Paupers
Easy Money
The Cynical Society
The Politics of Small Things
The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States
Strategic Factors in Nineteenth Century American Economic History
Magna Carta: history, context and influence
A Spectacular Secret
Everyone against Us
Opening Scripture
Fire, Pestilence, and Death
Citizen Brown
From Power to Prejudice
Those Days in Muramatsu
Moving Politics
Puritan Spirits in the Abolitionist Imagination
Patty’s Got a Gun
A Pocket Guide to Vietnam, 1962
Errand into the Wilderness of Mirrors
Selling the Race
The Limits of Transnationalism
The Other Americans in Paris
Science, Money, and Politics
Marvelous Possessions
The Doctor Who Wasn’t There
Therapeutic Revolutions
Underworld Work
The Protestant Temperament
Enduring Truths
The Money Shot
American Guides
The Saratoga Campaign
The TVs of Tomorrow
Richard Rorty
The Encyclopedia of Chicago
Land of Hope
The Continental Dollar
Rethinking America’s Past
How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art
The Best-Read Army in the World
Imagining Deliberative Democracy in the Early American Republic
Take the Young Stranger by the Hand
A City for Children
Accidental Pluralism
Unintended Consequences
American Indians
Outside the Gates of Eden
New York and Los Angeles
The Limits of Sovereignty
Lookout America!
From Eve to Evolution
God’s Businessmen
From the Temple of Zeus to the Hyperloop
Making Sense of the Americas
Gaining Access
Ku Klux Kulture
Russian Refuge
No Caption Needed
The Public Image
The Degradation of American History
Make It Rain
Secret Maps
What Do You Think, Mr. Ramirez?
Alain L. Locke
In the Shadow of Slavery
The Artist in American Society
Capital Culture
Chicago Apartments
The Chicagoan
Cultural Excursions
Building a Market
Trading Spaces
Another Way Home
Karl Marx in America
A War for the Soul of America, Second Edition
Race, Culture, and the Revolt of the Black Athlete
Nobody’s Boy and His Pals
Christianity and Race in the American South
From Reverence to Rape
Riotous Flesh
The Response to Industrialism, 1885-1914
The Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Industry, 1860-1902
Sand, Snow, and Stardust
Inventing the Modern American Family
Crucibles of Black Empowerment
What’s Fair on the Air?
When the News Broke
The Postal Age
Kinship by Design
The Hoarders
Queering the Underworld
Subversive Sounds
White Market Drugs
Thoreau’s God
The Complete Civil War Journal and Selected Letters of Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Demolition Means Progress
Taking Leave, Taking Liberties
Less than Meets the Eye
Making the Second Ghetto
Pulp Empire
Willing Warriors
Uneasy Virtue
The State and the Stork
The Search for Justice
Borders of Care
Health Care for Some
The Essential Holmes
Genre in Popular Music
The Greatest Killer
Insurance Era
British Atlantic, American Frontier
Picturing America
Campus Life
Looking through the Speculum
Concentration Camps on the Home Front
Men Like That
The Political Culture of the American Whigs
Making the Mission
American Boundaries
Bankers and Empire
Learning to Smoke
American Genesis
Human-Built World
Welsh Writing from the American Civil War
Community without Consent
The New Urban Renewal
Race, Class, and Politics in the Cappuccino City
Men without Maps
The Mourning After
Picturing Men
Lovable Racists, Magical Negroes, and White Messiahs
At Stake
Clashing over Commerce
Founding Choices
Downtown America
Business as Usual
Image Makers
The Word and Its Witness
My Father’s Name
The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots
The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots
Crisis of the House Divided
Alexander Dallas Bache
Women of the Far Right
Congress and the First Civil Rights Era, 1861-1918
Pragmatism and Social Theory
Writing Juárez
The Science of Reading
The Lavender Scare
Chicago Metropolis 2020
The Federal Civil Service System and the Problem of Bureaucracy
It Ends Here
The Mack Marsden Murder Mystery
Necessary Evil
Melville’s Billy Budd at 100
The Invention of Infinite Growth
Toward a Just World
American Immigration
Wales in America
Edible Memory
John Josselyn, Colonial Traveler
Supersizing Urban America
To Live Peaceably Together
The Black Tax
Groovy Science
Digging Up the Dead
Politics and Property Rights
Polish-American Politics in Chicago, 1880-1940
Dreaming in French
The Social Construction of American Realism
The Uneasy State
Love Stories
Chicago Neighborhoods and Suburbs
Rising Up from Indian Country
The World of Juliette Kinzie
The Participant
American Diplomacy
Jazz on the River
In Levittown’s Shadow
Revel with a Cause
Pop Song Piracy
The Unruly Facts of Race
Paying with Their Bodies
Arendt and America
Kinsey Collection
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 1
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 2
The Story of Radio Mind
The Transatlantic Collapse of Urban Renewal
Bodies of Knowledge
The Internal Colony
Calvinists Incorporated
Mastering Iron
The Forgotten Memoir of John Knox
My Dear Molly
Crabgrass Catholicism
Kennedy in Berlin
Science and the American Century
Teaching Children Science
Conspiracies of Conspiracies
Stark Decency
The Newark Frontier
The New Suburban History
Fascism Comes to America
Criminal Intimacy
In the Shadow of Diagnosis
Battleground Chicago
African American Urban History since World War II
Contested Medicine
Judicial Power and Reconstruction Politics
Beyond the Laboratory
A World of Homeowners
I’d Fight the World
A Perfect Mess
Executing Freedom
Science on American Television
Science on the Air
The Politics of Knowledge
Max Lerner
Transatlantic Subjects
Fluid Geographies
Picturing Political Power
Crossing over the Line
This Land Is Your Land
Insurgent Democracy
The Modernization of Fatherhood
Of War and Men
The Reconstruction Amendments
The Reconstruction Amendments
Corporate Bodies and Guilty Minds
The Captain’s Best Mate
Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong, Volume 1
Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong, Volume 2
Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong, Volume 3
The Sea Mark
No Place of Grace
A Righteous Smokescreen
The Art of the Jewish Family
Radio’s America
A Critical History of the New American Studies, 1970–1990
An Image of God
The Rise of Common-Sense Conservatism
The Perils of Prosperity, 1914-1932
Fear of Food
Seductive Journey
We’ll Always Have Paris
A Power Stronger Than Itself
Cracking Up
The Economics of Climate Change
Road to Nowhere
Suffering Made Real
The Pullman Strike
War’s Waste
Pluralism and Progressives
North of Slavery
Urban Appetites
Awkward Rituals
Engineered to Sell
Trams or Tailfins?
Reconstructing the National Bank Controversy
Magazines and the American Experience
A Nation of Neighborhoods
Fashionable Food
A Visitable Past
An East St. Louis Anthology
Vice Patrol
The Air-Line to Seattle
Custer’s Last Stand: The Unfinished Manuscript
Young Men and Fire
The Papers of James Madison, Volume 7
Building a New Educational State
Illinois Justice
Asia First
Race and Schooling in the South, 1880-1950
Wages and Labor Markets in the United States, 1820-1860
White Field, Black Sheep
Machine Art, 1934
Back to the Breast
Modern American Religion, Volume 1
Modern American Religion, Volume 2
Modern American Religion, Volume 3
Religion in the Old South
American Academic Cultures
Great Expectations
The Big Tomorrow
Recasting America
Screening Out the Past
The Sangamo Frontier
Union by Law
American Creed
Women’s Culture
The Accidental Diarist
Bosnian St. Louis
The American Supreme Court, Sixth Edition
Sincerely Held
Marking Modern Times
Insatiable City
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
"Westward the Course of Empire"
City of Newsmen
Parish Boundaries
Slaves Waiting for Sale
Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic
The Problem of Jobs
American Imperial Pastoral
Clearing the Coastline
North of America
Revivals, Awakening and Reform
Nixon’s Court
Reconsidering Roosevelt on Race
The Road to Rebellion
Collective Bargaining and the Battle for Ohio
Hutchins’ University
On My Honor
Think Tanks in America
Contacts Desired
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error
Arthur Vandenberg
Hard Road West
A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 1: 1913-1951
A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2, Book 1, 1951-1969
A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2, Book 2, 1970-1986
The Rise of the Research University
Equality for Same-Sex Couples
Design for the Crowd
The Art of Return
Women Adrift
Civic War and the Corruption of the Citizen
American Girls in Red Russia
Physics Envy
This Radical Land
A Conspiratorial Life
Nut Country
Early Civilization and the American Modern
Building Nature’s Market
States at War, Volume 1
States at War, Volume 2
States at War, Volume 3
States at War, Volume 4
States at War, Volume 5
Inside the Presidential Debates
Coyote Nation
West of Sex
The Art of Defiance
Urban Lowlands
American Imperialist
Lydia Maria Child
And Bid Him Sing
From Squaw Tit to Whorehouse Meadow
American Capitals
Groundbreakers, Rule-breakers & Rebels
Maria Longworth Storer
Promise to Pay
Making Hispanics
Developing to Scale
The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89, Fourth Edition
Sins of the Shovel
Reading, ’Riting, and Reconstruction
Woodrow Wilson: USA
Schooling Citizens
Reflections in Bullough’s Pond
Free to Die for Their Country
Public Enemies, Public Heroes
The West Side Carbondale, Pennsylvania Mine Fire
Banking on Slavery
The Charleston Orphan House
Democratic Art
Urban Dreams, Rural Commonwealth
The Province of Affliction
State and Finance in the Philippines, 1898-1941
Mass Torts in a World of Settlement
Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife
Crossing Parish Boundaries
Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism
The Business of Crime
Capital of Mind
The Elusive Ideal
Exchange of Ideas
Being Somebody and Black Besides
The Emerson Effect
Alchemy Tried in the Fire
Gehennical Fire
Paradise Found
Spiritual Criminals
My Blue Heaven
The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
The Irony of American History
The Global Republic
The Wilsonian Century
Manly Love
The Education of Betsey Stockton
Trading Freedom
The Tolerant Populists, Second Edition
Ireland’s Allies
A Tract for Our Times
The Long Affair
Blood Runs Green
Literature Incorporated
Crippled Justice
Our Latest Longest War
Dining Out in Boston
Orphan Trains
The Iconoclastic Imagination
The Beat Cop
The Color of Family
Face Value
The Paris of Appalachia
The Political Life of Medicare
Home Work
Out of Stock
Rum Maniacs
American Catholics and the Church of Tomorrow
American Warsaw
Clout City
Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago
The Creative Destruction of Manhattan, 1900-1940
The Microsoft Case
The Daily Thomas Paine
Words, Works, and Ways of Knowing
Addiction Becomes Normal
Building a Revolutionary State
Surveying in Early America
Black on the Block
The Nature of the Future
Smart Casual
The Rights of the Defenseless
Colonial Wars, 1689-1762
War for Independence
The New Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1932-1945
Women’s Work?
Educating the Enemy
Uncivil Rights
Intellectual Life in America
Courting the Abyss
Planning the Home Front
Fit Nation
The Science of Deception
The New Math
Ruth’s River Dreams
As Others See Chicago
A History of Chicago, Volume I
A History of Chicago, Volume II
Looking Forward
The Floating University
The Price of Misfortune
Shock Cities
Not Just Roommates
Freedom Is an Endless Meeting
It Was Like a Fever
That’s the Way It Is
Facing Racial Revolution
History, Historians, and Autobiography
Conceived in Doubt
People of Plenty
Coming Together
The Politics of Free Markets
The World Is Our Stage
The Wagon and Other Stories from the City
Dividing the Land
Brownsville, Brooklyn
Robert Clifton Weaver and the American City
Religion in Plain View
The Transformation of Old Age Security
The Fixers
Lying up a Nation
New Musical Figurations
Modern Housing for America
The Rise of the Public Authority
The Republic Afloat
New Perspectives in American Jewish History
National Duties
Tinker to Evers to Chance
American Nietzsche
Selling the Yellow Jersey
Philanthropy in Democratic Societies
"Labor Is Not a Commodity!"
Get Out of My Room!
The Concept of Representation in the Age of the American Revolution
The Cuban Cure
Science in America
Theaters of Madness
The Making of the Modern University
General Sterling Price and the Confederacy
Natural Attachments
Identity and the Case for Gay Rights
Who Freed the Slaves?
The Politics of Gay Rights
Tunnel Visions
Other People’s Colleges
Blackface Nation
Evangelical Gotham
Sheer Misery
What Soldiers Do
The Coldest Crucible
Queer Wars
Georgia O’Keeffe
Plantation Goods
The Work Ethic in Industrial America 1850-1920
The Confederacy
The Nation That Never Was
The Cholera Years
The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau
The Polarizers
The Republic of Color
From Market-Places to a Market Economy
Richard Wright
The Culture of Calamity
Abraham Lincoln: His Life in Print
Bursting the Limits of Time
A Desired Past
The Aerial Crossroads of America
Inventing the Public Enemy
All the World’s a Fair
Buffalo Bill in Bologna
Roots of Reform
Wales, the Welsh and the Making of America
Metropolitan Latinidad
Saul Alinsky and the Dilemmas of Race
Smoldering City
Demos Assembled
You Had a Job for Life
The Politics of Scale
Flowers, Guns, and Money
A Contagious Cause
The Chicago Companion to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
Steam City
Natural Born Celebrities
The Sit-Ins
Peak Oil
Building the Prison State
The Lost Promise
The Oak Park Studio of Frank Lloyd Wright
A History of America in 100 Maps
Mapping the Nation
The Conspiracy Trial of the Chicago Seven
No One Was Killed
Why Everyone Hates White Liberals (Including White Liberals)
Abraham Lincoln in the Post-Heroic Era
Ties That Bound
Radical Protest and Social Structure
Spare the Rod
The Atlas of Boston History
Republic of Drivers
Replaceable You
Living on the Edge
Trying Biology
Yiddish in America
World Without End
Money, Power, and the People
The Race to 270
An Inky Business
What a Woman Ought to Be and to Do
Wrigley Field
Where the North Sea Touches Alabama
Movers and Shakers, Scalawags and Suffragettes
Maine’s Lithographic Landscapes
The Culinarians
Oracles of Empire
Southern Provisions
The Invention of Art
Redeeming American Political Thought
The Lofts of SoHo
Oceanic Archives, Indigenous Epistemologies, and Transpacific American Studies
The People’s Porn
Poor Discipline
The Mexican War
Sovereign of the Market
Color Lines
The Ironies of Affirmative Action
Confederate Cities
The State as a Work of Art
Back of the Yards
Plague Years
City Water, City Life
Urban Disorder and the Shape of Belief
Resisting Reagan
Fanny & Joshua
America’s Philosophical Vision
Secular Faith
Making the Modern
Dream Street
The Jazz Loft Project
Bicycling Through Paradise
Concrete Revolution
The Power to Die
Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885-1917
Our Nazi
A Sister’s Memories
Live Form
Boundaries of the State in US History
Black Chicago
TV by Design
American Orchestras in the Nineteenth Century
Lives on the Mississippi
Ours to Lose
Alchemical Laboratory Notebooks and Correspondence
Madness Is Civilization
School, Society, and State
Structuring Inequality
Every Goddamn Day
You Were Never in Chicago
Mary Chesnut’s Civil War Epic
A Drop of Treason
The Lost Autobiography of Samuel Steward
Philip Sparrow Tells All
Policing the Big Apple
The Complete Anti-Federalist
A Catalogue of the Everett D. Graff Collection of Western Americana
Documentary Expression and Thirties America
From Vienna to Chicago and Back
American Railroads
Streets, Railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877
In Service to the City
Inventing Philosophy’s Other
Learning One’s Native Tongue
Familial Fitness
Instrument of War
Women Strike for Peace
Wives Not Slaves
An Open Secret
Art in Chicago
Looking East
Central Banking as State Building
More than Lore
The Fine Arts in America
The Sounds of Capitalism
Remembering Emmett Till
An American Obsession
Among the Isles of Shoals
The People Shall Judge, Volume I, Part 1
The People Shall Judge, Volume I, Part 1
The Wonder and Complexity of the 1904 World’s Fair
Revivalism and Cultural Change
Faking Liberties
Puerto Rican Citizen
Power without Victory
Public Pulpits
Dr. Nurse
Democracy in America
New York City
Wish You Were Here
The War Complex
The Debt of a Nation
Brooklyn Bridge
Direct Action
Defining the National Interest
Singing in the Age of Anxiety
The Democratic Surround
From Counterculture to Cyberculture
Best-Laid Plans
Breaking Up America
Redeemer Nation
American Exceptionalism
Crisis of the Wasteful Nation
Historians in Public
Improbable Patriot
Instructions for American Servicemen in France during World War II
Stories from the Mines - DVD
Purging the Poorest
The Two Reconstructions
The Lost History of the New Madrid Earthquakes
A Slaveholders’ Union
We Have Not a Government
Black Camelot
New Day in Babylon
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
Free to All
Survival City
Our Grief Is Not a Cry for War
The Challenger Launch Decision
The United States and Mexico
Theater of the Mind
A Great and Rising Nation
The Communal Experience
The Nature and Nurture of Love
Intimate Friends
The Queerness of Home
The Birth of Head Start
Hearing Happiness
LeRoy Neiman
The Scene of Harlem Cabaret
Stolen Time
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 1
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 2
Pushing Cool
Beauty and the Brain
The View from Somewhere
Exit Zero
Henry David Thoreau
The Passage to Cosmos
The Legendary Detective
Coloring St. Louis
Great River City
The Black Child-Savers
Birth Weight and Economic Growth
Protocols of Liberty
Starved for Light
So Black and Blue
Keepin’ It Real
Building the American Republic, Volume 1
Rough Rider in the White House
The Angel in the Marketplace
US-Singapore Relations, 1965-1975
Top 40 Democracy
In the Shadow of the Magic Mountain
To Have and to Hold
The Thousand-Year Flood
Restricted Data
Crusade for Justice
Extraordinary Ordinariness
Banquet at Delmonico’s
Radicals and Rogues
F. D. R. and the Press
Whistle Stop
Forever Open, Clear, and Free
Living with Polio
Science, Community, and the Transformation of American Philosophy, 1860-1930
American Congregations, Volume 1
American Congregations, Volume 2
Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone)
Righting the American Dream
Popularizing the Past
Living in the Future
The Politics of Petulance
John Frémont’s 100 Days
Henry Ives Cobb’s Chicago
In Hock
The Matter of Black Living
Building the Metropolis
The History of Cartography, Volume 2, Book 3
The Menace of Prosperity
War and American Life
The First Wall Street
Remembrance of Things Present
Untimely Ruins
Rediscovering Jacob Riis
Disarming the Nation
Bearing Witness against Sin
Coming Out Republican
Say No to the Devil
A Final Story
Accounting for Capitalism
Capitalism Takes Command
Ready-Made Democracy
Dark Voices
Lincoln, Douglas, and Slavery
Whose America?
The Changing Face of Inequality
Making America Corporate, 1870-1920
Why the American Century?
The American Robot
The Specter of Salem
Decadent Women
Sideshow U.S.A.
The Old-Time Saloon
Murder in New Orleans
The Price of Power
The Streets of San Francisco
Futures after Progress
Cartographies of Travel and Navigation
Imperial Material
The Delight Makers
Nature Religion in America
Why Parties Matter
Why Parties?
Liberty’s Grid
Commodity & Propriety
The Northeast Corridor
Yasuhiro Ishimoto
Talking to Strangers
St. Louis and the Great War
The Crescent Obscured
Big Bosses
Making Mexican Chicago
Predicting the Weather
The Battle for the Fourteenth Colony
On Hobos and Homelessness
Nature’s Mirror
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
The Complete Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
America’s Philosopher
Forging Gay Identities
Why the Turkey Didn’t Fly
Risky Medicine
Rethinking Therapeutic Culture
The Clerk’s Tale
White Slaves, African Masters
Boston’s Oldest Buildings and Where to Find Them
A History of Boston in 50 Artifacts
In the Watches of the Night
Becoming Historians
Barbaric Intercourse
The Rise and Fall of Morris Ernst, Free Speech Renegade
Abigail and John Adams
Sacred Relics
Code Name Puritan
Friends Disappear
Nature’s Ghosts
Meet Joe Copper
Organizing Workers in the Shadow of Slavery
Defectives in the Land
Forbidden Signs
The Dynamics of Business-Government Relations
Manliness and Civilization
Prohibition, the Constitution, and States’ Rights
The Culture of Feedback
The Culture of Spontaneity
The Broken Covenant
Making Up Our Mind
The New Metaphysicals
The Third City
New Orleans and the Creation of Transatlantic Opera, 1819–1859
In Time of War
Lonesome Roads and Streets of Dreams
Making Social Welfare Policy in America
The Anatomy of National Fantasy
Metropolitan Jews
Rehabilitating Lochner
Freeman’s Challenge
The Mild Voice of Reason
Touchy Subject
American Paper Mills, 1690–1832
The Hollywood War Film
Altered States
Black New Orleans, 1860-1880
The Making of Modern Medicine
The New Church in the New World
The Great American Transit Disaster
How States Shaped Postwar America
Weimar Under the Palms
Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain, 1942
Artists, Advertising, and the Borders of Art
Freak Show
Empire of Liberty
Southern Stalemate
The Genius of American Politics
The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson
The Mysterious Science of the Law
Appalachia as Contested Borderland of the Early Modern Atlantic, 1528-1715
Evidence of Being
How Our Days Became Numbered
American Indians and Christian Missions
The University of Chicago
The Reckless Decade
American Progressive History
The Puritan Experiment
American Philanthropy
Nobody’s Nation
Finance in America
The Second Jurassic Dinosaur Rush
Sundays at Sinai
Housekeeping by Design
Visualizing American Empire
Tomorrow Never Knows
Up North
Alien Neighbors, Foreign Friends
Between Mao and McCarthy
Liberty Power
Mapping Nature across the Americas
Rosie’s Mom
Beyond the Frontier
Richard Hofstadter
She Devils at the Door
Hope and Scorn
Home Front
On The Ho Chi Minh Trail
Vietnam Zippos
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Think to New Worlds
Black Scare / Red Scare
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Patterns of Behavior
The Point of the Needle
Planters, Merchants, and Slaves
The Sounding of the Whale
After Freud Left
A Peaceful Conquest
The Making of Tocqueville’s America
Envisioning the Nation
Follow Your Conscience
Sociology in America
Charles Ellis Johnson and the Erotic Mormon Image
A Fan’s Life
Intimate States
Theodore Roosevelt in the Field
Frontier Seaport
Adulthood in Britain and the United States from 1350 to Generation Z
None of Your Damn Business
Tracks on the Ocean
Meanings for Manhood
Operation Whisper
Peculiar Places
Beautiful Democracy
Blue Notes in Black and White
Mastery and Drift
Shaped by the State
Invisible Masters
High-Profile Crimes
Assassin of Youth
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Civic Gifts
Politics and Partnerships
Promiscuous Knowledge
Treasures from the Hispanic Society Library
Duke Ellington’s America
The Flash Press
The Open Mind
The War of 1812
Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits
The Chicago School of Architecture
Crafting Equality
Vaccine Nation
History’s Shadow
The Lies of the Land
Museums and American Intellectual Life, 1876-1926
A World More Concrete
The Cultural Turn in U. S. History
Pick Up the Pieces
The Feeling of Forgetting
Religious Intolerance, America, and the World
Health and Labor Force Participation over the Life Cycle
Make Yourselves Gods
Holy Nation
The Killing Age
Fashion and Its Social Agendas
The Coming of the Civil War
Life Atomic
The Life of a Virus
Taxi-Dance Hall
Tramp in America
Strike Up the Band
My Three Dads
Machines of Youth
Packaged Pleasures
Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States, Volume 3
Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States, Volumes 1 and 2
The Enduring Classroom
The Nation Takes Shape
Stories from the Mines
The Constitution in Congress: Democrats and Whigs, 1829-1861
The Constitution in Congress: Descent into the Maelstrom, 1829-1861
The Constitution in Congress: The Federalist Period, 1789-1801
The Constitution in Congress: The Jeffersonians, 1801-1829
The Constitution in the Supreme Court
The Constitution in the Supreme Court
The Constitution of the United States
Evolution Made to Order
Lost Prophet
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities
Building the American Republic, Volume 2
Colonial New Hampshire
Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America
The Revolution Remembered
The Color of Mind
Empire of Defense
Attorney for the Damned
Faith, Family, and Flag
The Sympathetic State
Friends of the Unrighteous Mammon
Deep South
The Academy and the Award
Accounts of Innocence
Chicago’s Historic Hyde Park
Building the Devil’s Empire
Arthur Dove
Italian Experience in America
On Christopher Street
Citizen Hobo
Exotics at Home
Eugene O’Neill’s America
The Lost Soul of American Politics
The Promise of Pragmatism
Why Niebuhr Now?
The World the Trains Made
The Origins of Cool in Postwar America
Transforming Images
Fire under the Ashes
Merchants of Medicines
Emotionally Disturbed
American Folklore
Benton, Pollock, and the Politics of Modernism
Memorial Mania
Surviving the Essex
Standing Up for Civil Rights in St. Louis
When We Imagine Grace
The Anti-Federalist
Inventing Ethan Allen
Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose
Natural Visions
Seeing Green
Nonprofit Neighborhoods
The Enduring Riddle of Mackenzie King
The Experimenters
A Nation of Speechifiers
Bankers in the Ivory Tower
Until Choice Do Us Part
How the Clinic Made Gender
A Hercules in the Cradle
Globalizing American Studies
School Yearbook
American Taxation, American Slavery
Property Rules
Jewish Identities in the American West
Plowshares into Swords
Last Words of the Executed
Gossip Men
Reconstructing the Commercial Republic
Inventing American Tradition
American Catholicism
Cato’s Tears and the Making of Anglo-American Emotion
Beyond Redemption
More Important Than the Music
The Political Theory of The Federalist
Analog Superpowers
The Rumble in the Jungle
Steppin’ Out
Swingin’ the Dream
The War in American Culture
Making the Unequal Metropolis
How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind
The World the Game Theorists Made
The Shaping of American Liberalism
The Treaty of Portsmouth and Its Legacies
Modernizing Main Street
Epidemic Invasions
Dinner in Camelot
Black Nationalism
Slave Wales
Free Spaces
Wage Justice
The Skull Collectors
You Are Not a Kinesthetic Learner
Lincoln’s Constitution
Chicago ’68
Sloan Rules
Nixon at the Movies
Midwestern Food
Free Expression and Democracy in America
American Economic Policy in the 1980s
More than Ordinary
The Trial in American Life
Brown in the Windy City
Race, Rights, and Rifles
All the Fish in the Sea
Made in America
Government and the American Economy
A Prelude to the Welfare State
Presidents and Their Books
American Sweepstakes
The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism
Soldier Field
Documenting Intimate Matters
A Place for Us
Trials of Intimacy
Objectifying China, Imagining America
The Conquest of Cool
Reconstruction after the Civil War, Third Edition
The Cult of Creativity
Indian Reservations in the United States
Maternal Justice
Garden Apartments
Witness to the Young Republic
American Sunshine
Colored Property
The Cycling City
New York Undercover
Paris Blues
Travelers, Tracks, and Tycoons: The Railroad in American Legend and Life
The Philippines and Japan in America’s Shadow
The Body of Faith
The Profit of the Earth
American Economic Growth and Standards of Living before the Civil War
The Musician as Philosopher
The Making of the New Deal Democrats
The Importance of Being Urban
Freedom’s Ballot
After They Closed the Gates
Imagining Judeo-Christian America
Dissent in American Religion
Going for Jazz
Vaudeville Melodies
Flavor and Soul
States of Exception in American History
The Dividends of Dissent
Uncertain Climes
Sound Diplomacy
Boll Weevil Blues
Making Jet Engines in World War II
Black Patriots and Loyalists
Perfect Cities
Redeeming Culture
Whose Fair?
Bedrooms of the Fallen
The Human Shore
American Mediterraneans
The War on Words
The Fatal Embrace
50 Years of UC Blue Ash College
Corruption and Reform
Is It Nation Time?
Buying Power
Getting There
Citizens and Paupers
Easy Money
The Cynical Society
The Politics of Small Things
The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States
Strategic Factors in Nineteenth Century American Economic History
Magna Carta: history, context and influence
A Spectacular Secret
Everyone against Us
Opening Scripture
Fire, Pestilence, and Death
Citizen Brown
From Power to Prejudice
Those Days in Muramatsu
Moving Politics
Puritan Spirits in the Abolitionist Imagination
Patty’s Got a Gun
A Pocket Guide to Vietnam, 1962
Errand into the Wilderness of Mirrors
Selling the Race
The Limits of Transnationalism
The Other Americans in Paris
Science, Money, and Politics
Marvelous Possessions
The Doctor Who Wasn’t There
Therapeutic Revolutions
Underworld Work
The Protestant Temperament
Enduring Truths
The Money Shot
American Guides
The Saratoga Campaign
The TVs of Tomorrow
Richard Rorty
The Encyclopedia of Chicago
Land of Hope
The Continental Dollar
Rethinking America’s Past
How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art
The Best-Read Army in the World
Imagining Deliberative Democracy in the Early American Republic
Take the Young Stranger by the Hand
A City for Children
Accidental Pluralism
Unintended Consequences
American Indians
Outside the Gates of Eden
New York and Los Angeles
The Limits of Sovereignty
Lookout America!
From Eve to Evolution
God’s Businessmen
From the Temple of Zeus to the Hyperloop
Making Sense of the Americas
Gaining Access
Ku Klux Kulture
Russian Refuge
No Caption Needed
The Public Image
The Degradation of American History
Make It Rain
Secret Maps
What Do You Think, Mr. Ramirez?
Alain L. Locke
In the Shadow of Slavery
The Artist in American Society
Capital Culture
Chicago Apartments
The Chicagoan
Cultural Excursions
Building a Market
Trading Spaces
Another Way Home
Karl Marx in America
A War for the Soul of America, Second Edition
Race, Culture, and the Revolt of the Black Athlete
Nobody’s Boy and His Pals
Christianity and Race in the American South
From Reverence to Rape
Riotous Flesh
The Response to Industrialism, 1885-1914
The Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Industry, 1860-1902
Sand, Snow, and Stardust
Inventing the Modern American Family
Crucibles of Black Empowerment
What’s Fair on the Air?
When the News Broke
The Postal Age
Kinship by Design
The Hoarders
Queering the Underworld
Subversive Sounds
White Market Drugs
Thoreau’s God
The Complete Civil War Journal and Selected Letters of Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Demolition Means Progress
Taking Leave, Taking Liberties
Less than Meets the Eye
Making the Second Ghetto
Pulp Empire
Willing Warriors
Uneasy Virtue
The State and the Stork
The Search for Justice
Borders of Care
Health Care for Some
The Essential Holmes
Genre in Popular Music
The Greatest Killer
Insurance Era
British Atlantic, American Frontier
Picturing America
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Looking through the Speculum
Concentration Camps on the Home Front
Men Like That
The Political Culture of the American Whigs
Making the Mission
American Boundaries
Bankers and Empire
Learning to Smoke
American Genesis
Human-Built World
Welsh Writing from the American Civil War
Community without Consent
The New Urban Renewal
Race, Class, and Politics in the Cappuccino City
Men without Maps
The Mourning After
Picturing Men
Lovable Racists, Magical Negroes, and White Messiahs
At Stake
Clashing over Commerce
Founding Choices
Downtown America
Business as Usual
Image Makers
The Word and Its Witness
My Father’s Name
The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots
The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots
Crisis of the House Divided
Alexander Dallas Bache
Women of the Far Right
Congress and the First Civil Rights Era, 1861-1918
Pragmatism and Social Theory
Writing Juárez
The Science of Reading
The Lavender Scare
Chicago Metropolis 2020
The Federal Civil Service System and the Problem of Bureaucracy
It Ends Here
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Necessary Evil
Melville’s Billy Budd at 100
The Invention of Infinite Growth
Toward a Just World
American Immigration
Wales in America
Edible Memory
John Josselyn, Colonial Traveler
Supersizing Urban America
To Live Peaceably Together
The Black Tax
Groovy Science
Digging Up the Dead
Politics and Property Rights
Polish-American Politics in Chicago, 1880-1940
Dreaming in French
The Social Construction of American Realism
The Uneasy State
Love Stories
Chicago Neighborhoods and Suburbs
Rising Up from Indian Country
The World of Juliette Kinzie
The Participant
American Diplomacy
Jazz on the River
In Levittown’s Shadow
Revel with a Cause
Pop Song Piracy
The Unruly Facts of Race
Paying with Their Bodies
Arendt and America
Kinsey Collection
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 1
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 2
The Story of Radio Mind
The Transatlantic Collapse of Urban Renewal
Bodies of Knowledge
The Internal Colony
Calvinists Incorporated
Mastering Iron
The Forgotten Memoir of John Knox
My Dear Molly
Crabgrass Catholicism
Kennedy in Berlin
Science and the American Century
Teaching Children Science
Conspiracies of Conspiracies
Stark Decency
The Newark Frontier
The New Suburban History
Fascism Comes to America
Criminal Intimacy
In the Shadow of Diagnosis
Battleground Chicago
African American Urban History since World War II
Contested Medicine
Judicial Power and Reconstruction Politics
Beyond the Laboratory
A World of Homeowners
I’d Fight the World
A Perfect Mess
Executing Freedom
Science on American Television
Science on the Air
The Politics of Knowledge
Max Lerner
Transatlantic Subjects
Fluid Geographies
Picturing Political Power
Crossing over the Line
This Land Is Your Land
Insurgent Democracy
The Modernization of Fatherhood
Of War and Men
The Reconstruction Amendments
The Reconstruction Amendments
Corporate Bodies and Guilty Minds
The Captain’s Best Mate
Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong, Volume 1
Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong, Volume 2
Strong on Music: The New York Music Scene in the Days of George Templeton Strong, Volume 3
The Sea Mark
No Place of Grace
A Righteous Smokescreen
The Art of the Jewish Family
Radio’s America
A Critical History of the New American Studies, 1970–1990
An Image of God
The Rise of Common-Sense Conservatism
The Perils of Prosperity, 1914-1932
Fear of Food
Seductive Journey
We’ll Always Have Paris
A Power Stronger Than Itself
Cracking Up
The Economics of Climate Change
Road to Nowhere
Suffering Made Real
The Pullman Strike
War’s Waste
Pluralism and Progressives
North of Slavery
Urban Appetites
Awkward Rituals
Engineered to Sell
Trams or Tailfins?
Reconstructing the National Bank Controversy
Magazines and the American Experience
A Nation of Neighborhoods
Fashionable Food
A Visitable Past
An East St. Louis Anthology
Vice Patrol
The Air-Line to Seattle
Custer’s Last Stand: The Unfinished Manuscript
Young Men and Fire
The Papers of James Madison, Volume 7
Building a New Educational State
Illinois Justice
Asia First
Race and Schooling in the South, 1880-1950
Wages and Labor Markets in the United States, 1820-1860
White Field, Black Sheep
Machine Art, 1934
Back to the Breast
Modern American Religion, Volume 1
Modern American Religion, Volume 2
Modern American Religion, Volume 3
Religion in the Old South
American Academic Cultures
Great Expectations
The Big Tomorrow
Recasting America
Screening Out the Past
The Sangamo Frontier
Union by Law
American Creed
Women’s Culture
The Accidental Diarist
Bosnian St. Louis
The American Supreme Court, Sixth Edition
Sincerely Held
Marking Modern Times
Insatiable City
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
"Westward the Course of Empire"
City of Newsmen
Parish Boundaries
Slaves Waiting for Sale
Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic
The Problem of Jobs
American Imperial Pastoral
Clearing the Coastline
North of America
Revivals, Awakening and Reform
Nixon’s Court
Reconsidering Roosevelt on Race
The Road to Rebellion
Collective Bargaining and the Battle for Ohio
Hutchins’ University
On My Honor
Think Tanks in America
Contacts Desired
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error
Arthur Vandenberg
Hard Road West
A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 1: 1913-1951
A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2, Book 1, 1951-1969
A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2, Book 2, 1970-1986
The Rise of the Research University
Equality for Same-Sex Couples
Design for the Crowd
The Art of Return
Women Adrift
Civic War and the Corruption of the Citizen
American Girls in Red Russia
Physics Envy
This Radical Land
A Conspiratorial Life
Nut Country
Early Civilization and the American Modern
Building Nature’s Market
States at War, Volume 1
States at War, Volume 2
States at War, Volume 3
States at War, Volume 4
States at War, Volume 5
Inside the Presidential Debates
Coyote Nation
West of Sex
The Art of Defiance
Urban Lowlands
American Imperialist
Lydia Maria Child
And Bid Him Sing
From Squaw Tit to Whorehouse Meadow
American Capitals
Groundbreakers, Rule-breakers & Rebels
Maria Longworth Storer
Promise to Pay
Making Hispanics
Developing to Scale
The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89, Fourth Edition
Sins of the Shovel
Reading, ’Riting, and Reconstruction
Woodrow Wilson: USA
Schooling Citizens
Reflections in Bullough’s Pond
Free to Die for Their Country
Public Enemies, Public Heroes
The West Side Carbondale, Pennsylvania Mine Fire
Banking on Slavery
The Charleston Orphan House
Democratic Art
Urban Dreams, Rural Commonwealth
The Province of Affliction
State and Finance in the Philippines, 1898-1941
Mass Torts in a World of Settlement
Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife
Crossing Parish Boundaries
Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism
The Business of Crime
Capital of Mind
The Elusive Ideal
Exchange of Ideas
Being Somebody and Black Besides
The Emerson Effect
Alchemy Tried in the Fire
Gehennical Fire
Paradise Found
Spiritual Criminals
My Blue Heaven
The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
The Irony of American History
The Global Republic
The Wilsonian Century
Manly Love
The Education of Betsey Stockton
Trading Freedom
The Tolerant Populists, Second Edition
Ireland’s Allies
A Tract for Our Times
The Long Affair
Blood Runs Green
Literature Incorporated
Crippled Justice
Our Latest Longest War
Dining Out in Boston
Orphan Trains
The Iconoclastic Imagination
The Beat Cop
The Color of Family
Face Value
The Paris of Appalachia
The Political Life of Medicare
Home Work
Out of Stock
Rum Maniacs
American Catholics and the Church of Tomorrow
American Warsaw
Clout City
Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago
The Creative Destruction of Manhattan, 1900-1940
The Microsoft Case
The Daily Thomas Paine
Words, Works, and Ways of Knowing
Addiction Becomes Normal
Building a Revolutionary State
Surveying in Early America
Black on the Block
The Nature of the Future
Smart Casual
The Rights of the Defenseless
Colonial Wars, 1689-1762
War for Independence
The New Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1932-1945
Women’s Work?
Educating the Enemy
Uncivil Rights
Intellectual Life in America
Courting the Abyss
Planning the Home Front
Fit Nation
The Science of Deception
The New Math
Ruth’s River Dreams
As Others See Chicago
A History of Chicago, Volume I
A History of Chicago, Volume II
Looking Forward
The Floating University
The Price of Misfortune
Shock Cities
Not Just Roommates
Freedom Is an Endless Meeting
It Was Like a Fever
That’s the Way It Is
Facing Racial Revolution
History, Historians, and Autobiography
Conceived in Doubt
People of Plenty
Coming Together
The Politics of Free Markets
The World Is Our Stage
The Wagon and Other Stories from the City
Dividing the Land
Brownsville, Brooklyn
Robert Clifton Weaver and the American City
Religion in Plain View
The Transformation of Old Age Security
The Fixers
Lying up a Nation
New Musical Figurations
Modern Housing for America
The Rise of the Public Authority
The Republic Afloat
New Perspectives in American Jewish History
National Duties
Tinker to Evers to Chance
American Nietzsche
Selling the Yellow Jersey
Philanthropy in Democratic Societies
"Labor Is Not a Commodity!"
Get Out of My Room!
The Concept of Representation in the Age of the American Revolution
The Cuban Cure
Science in America
Theaters of Madness
The Making of the Modern University
General Sterling Price and the Confederacy
Natural Attachments
Identity and the Case for Gay Rights
Who Freed the Slaves?
The Politics of Gay Rights
Tunnel Visions
Other People’s Colleges
Blackface Nation
Evangelical Gotham
Sheer Misery
What Soldiers Do
The Coldest Crucible
Queer Wars
Georgia O’Keeffe
Plantation Goods
The Work Ethic in Industrial America 1850-1920
The Confederacy
The Nation That Never Was
The Cholera Years
The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau
The Polarizers
The Republic of Color
From Market-Places to a Market Economy
Richard Wright
The Culture of Calamity
Abraham Lincoln: His Life in Print
Bursting the Limits of Time
A Desired Past
The Aerial Crossroads of America
Inventing the Public Enemy
All the World’s a Fair
Buffalo Bill in Bologna
Roots of Reform
Wales, the Welsh and the Making of America
Metropolitan Latinidad
Saul Alinsky and the Dilemmas of Race
Smoldering City
Demos Assembled
You Had a Job for Life
The Politics of Scale
Flowers, Guns, and Money
A Contagious Cause
The Chicago Companion to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
Steam City
Natural Born Celebrities
The Sit-Ins
Peak Oil
Building the Prison State
The Lost Promise
The Oak Park Studio of Frank Lloyd Wright
A History of America in 100 Maps
Mapping the Nation
The Conspiracy Trial of the Chicago Seven
No One Was Killed
Why Everyone Hates White Liberals (Including White Liberals)
Abraham Lincoln in the Post-Heroic Era
Ties That Bound
Radical Protest and Social Structure
Spare the Rod
The Atlas of Boston History
Republic of Drivers
Replaceable You
Living on the Edge
Trying Biology
Yiddish in America
World Without End
Money, Power, and the People
The Race to 270
An Inky Business
What a Woman Ought to Be and to Do
Wrigley Field
Where the North Sea Touches Alabama
Movers and Shakers, Scalawags and Suffragettes
Maine’s Lithographic Landscapes
The Culinarians
Oracles of Empire
Southern Provisions
The Invention of Art
Redeeming American Political Thought
The Lofts of SoHo
Oceanic Archives, Indigenous Epistemologies, and Transpacific American Studies
The People’s Porn
Poor Discipline
The Mexican War
Sovereign of the Market
Color Lines
The Ironies of Affirmative Action
Confederate Cities
The State as a Work of Art
Back of the Yards
Plague Years
City Water, City Life
Urban Disorder and the Shape of Belief
Resisting Reagan
Fanny & Joshua
America’s Philosophical Vision
Secular Faith
Making the Modern
Dream Street
The Jazz Loft Project
Bicycling Through Paradise
Concrete Revolution
The Power to Die
Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885-1917
Our Nazi
A Sister’s Memories
Live Form
Boundaries of the State in US History
Black Chicago
TV by Design
American Orchestras in the Nineteenth Century
Lives on the Mississippi
Ours to Lose
Alchemical Laboratory Notebooks and Correspondence
Madness Is Civilization
School, Society, and State
Structuring Inequality
Every Goddamn Day
You Were Never in Chicago
Mary Chesnut’s Civil War Epic
A Drop of Treason
The Lost Autobiography of Samuel Steward
Philip Sparrow Tells All
Policing the Big Apple
The Complete Anti-Federalist
A Catalogue of the Everett D. Graff Collection of Western Americana
Documentary Expression and Thirties America
From Vienna to Chicago and Back
American Railroads
Streets, Railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877
In Service to the City
Inventing Philosophy’s Other
Learning One’s Native Tongue
Familial Fitness
Instrument of War
Women Strike for Peace
Wives Not Slaves
An Open Secret
Art in Chicago
Looking East
Central Banking as State Building
More than Lore
The Fine Arts in America
The Sounds of Capitalism
Remembering Emmett Till
An American Obsession
Among the Isles of Shoals
The People Shall Judge, Volume I, Part 1
The People Shall Judge, Volume I, Part 1
The Wonder and Complexity of the 1904 World’s Fair
Revivalism and Cultural Change
Faking Liberties
Puerto Rican Citizen
Power without Victory
Public Pulpits
Dr. Nurse
Democracy in America
New York City
Wish You Were Here
The War Complex
The Debt of a Nation
Brooklyn Bridge
Direct Action
Defining the National Interest
Singing in the Age of Anxiety
The Democratic Surround
From Counterculture to Cyberculture
Best-Laid Plans
Breaking Up America
Redeemer Nation
American Exceptionalism
Crisis of the Wasteful Nation
Historians in Public
Improbable Patriot
Instructions for American Servicemen in France during World War II
Stories from the Mines - DVD
Purging the Poorest
The Two Reconstructions
The Lost History of the New Madrid Earthquakes
A Slaveholders’ Union
We Have Not a Government
Black Camelot
New Day in Babylon
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
Free to All
Survival City
Our Grief Is Not a Cry for War
The Challenger Launch Decision
The United States and Mexico
Theater of the Mind
A Great and Rising Nation
The Communal Experience
The Nature and Nurture of Love
Intimate Friends
The Queerness of Home
The Birth of Head Start
Hearing Happiness
LeRoy Neiman
The Scene of Harlem Cabaret
Stolen Time
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 1
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 2
Pushing Cool
Beauty and the Brain
The View from Somewhere
Exit Zero
Henry David Thoreau
The Passage to Cosmos
The Legendary Detective
Coloring St. Louis
Great River City
The Black Child-Savers
Birth Weight and Economic Growth
Protocols of Liberty
Starved for Light
So Black and Blue
Keepin’ It Real
Building the American Republic, Volume 1
Rough Rider in the White House
The Angel in the Marketplace
US-Singapore Relations, 1965-1975
Top 40 Democracy
In the Shadow of the Magic Mountain
To Have and to Hold
The Thousand-Year Flood
Restricted Data
Crusade for Justice
Extraordinary Ordinariness
Banquet at Delmonico’s
Radicals and Rogues
F. D. R. and the Press
Whistle Stop
Forever Open, Clear, and Free
Living with Polio
Science, Community, and the Transformation of American Philosophy, 1860-1930
American Congregations, Volume 1
American Congregations, Volume 2
Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone)
Righting the American Dream
Popularizing the Past
Living in the Future
The Politics of Petulance
John Frémont’s 100 Days
Henry Ives Cobb’s Chicago
In Hock
The Matter of Black Living
Building the Metropolis
The History of Cartography, Volume 2, Book 3
The Menace of Prosperity
War and American Life
The First Wall Street
Remembrance of Things Present
Untimely Ruins
Rediscovering Jacob Riis
Disarming the Nation
Bearing Witness against Sin
Coming Out Republican
Say No to the Devil
A Final Story
Accounting for Capitalism
Capitalism Takes Command
Ready-Made Democracy
Dark Voices
Lincoln, Douglas, and Slavery
Whose America?
The Changing Face of Inequality
Making America Corporate, 1870-1920
Why the American Century?
Titles In Subject
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