European History
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- Environmental History
- European History
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- Middle Eastern History
- Military History
- Urban History
Extraterritorial Dreams
Saharan Jews and the Fate of French Algeria
Taming the Revolution
When God Looked the Other Way
Latin Inscriptions in Oxford
Science Policy under Thatcher
The Contest for Knowledge
Two by Two
Engineering the Revolution
The Arthur of the Italians
Designs of Destruction
The Wages of Sin
Dandyism in the Age of Revolution
Predicting the Weather
Aram’s Notebook
Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections
Music and German National Identity
The Inquisition of Francisca
From Berlin
On Hysteria
Scientific History
The Mind of the Middle Ages
The Miniature Library of Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House
The Catalan Crisis
Authoring the Past
Both from the Ears and Mind
Crises in Authoritarian Regimes
Spectral Spain
From Viking Stronghold to Christian Kingdom
Nothing to Speak of
Creator of Nightmares
From the Score to the Stage
Jean-Paul Marat
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 7
The Artemisia Files
The Language of Sex
The Golden Horde
Serving the Reich
Becoming Historians
The Excellence and Nobility of Women
The Symbolic Construction of Reality
Extreme Europe
Vulgar Marxism
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From Demons to Dracula
The White Devil
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The Light-Green Society
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Galileo, Courtier
Galileo’s Instruments of Credit
Opera in Theory and Practice, Image and Myth
‘Race Is Everything’
Doctors, Ambassadors, Secretaries
The Anti-Semitic Moment
One Must Also Be Hungarian
The Dream of Absolutism
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A History of the Second World War in 100 Maps
Living Torches in the Soviet Bloc
Feudal Society, Volume 1
Feudal Society, Volume 2
Etymologies and Genealogies
God’s Plagiarist
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Remarkable Renaissance Books
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Instructions for British Servicemen in Germany, 1944
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Hugo Grotius, the Portuguese, and Free Trade in the East Indies
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The Memoirs and Memorials of Jacques de Coutre
The Singapore and Melaka Straits
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
Russia as Empire
Bloomsbury Scientists
The Lord’s First Night
The Victoria History of Herefordshire: Colwall
The Unconverted Self
Spirit and System
Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 9
Reading in the Wilderness
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Mapping Post-War Italian Literature
On the Future of History
The University of Oxford
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No. 10
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The Medieval Origins of the Legal Profession
Beethoven’s Ninth
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Archaeological Atlas of Prehistoric Europe
The Anatomy of Riches
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The Prison Manuscripts
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Patterns of Behavior
The Point of the Needle
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From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences
Selected Writings of an Eighteenth-Century Venetian Woman of Letters
The Endless Periphery
Flori, a Pastoral Drama
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Worldly Consumers
The Man Who Believed He Was King of France
History as a Kind of Writing
The Contested Crown
Karolyi & Bethlen: Hungary
The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy
The Renaissance Philosophy of Man
Blaise Pascal
After the Invasion
Arc of Utopia
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation and Other Evolutionary Writings
The Fullness of Time
Becoming Lesbian
Turning On the Mind
The Medieval Scriptorium
Disease, War, and the Imperial State
Cul de Sac
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Start-Up Poland
The Sciences in Enlightened Europe
Illuminated Paris
Holocaust Mothers and Daughters
A Short History of Finland
’Los Invisibles’
French and Germans, Germans and French
Watching Vesuvius
Florence in the Forgotten Centuries, 1527-1800
Historians and Historiography in the Italian Renaissance
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 5
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 6
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The Modulated Scream
The Scientific Revolution
Freedom’s Moment
Love and Death in Renaissance Italy
In Defense of Women
Selected Letters, 1523-1546
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The Young Descartes
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A Power to Do Justice
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The Triumph of Pleasure
Drama, Poetry and Music in Late-Renaissance Italy
The Killing Age
Fashion and Its Social Agendas
The Noble Savage
The Solitary Self
The Harkis
The Dead Ladies Project
History of the Kingdom of Naples
Oxford Freemasons
Music in Golden-Age Florence, 1250–1750
Francis of Assisi
Francesca Caccini at the Medici Court
Curious and Modern Inventions
Women and Musical Salons in the Enlightenment
Dialogue on the Infinity of Love
Nietzsche’s Journey to Sorrento
Against Marriage
Fonthill Recovered
Eleftherios Venizelos: Greece
Children of the Greek Civil War
Representations on the Margins of Europe
Biographies of Scientific Objects
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Uncivil Unions
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Cardiff and the Marquesses of Bute
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Trial by Theatre
Letters from Spain
At the Crossroads of the Scientific Revolution
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The Mystic Fable, Volume One
The Mystic Fable, Volume Two
The Possession at Loudun
Warnings to the Kings and Advice on Restoring Spain
The First World War
The Book of the Body Politic
Autobiography and Other Writings
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Far Afield
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Not without Madness
The Story of the Death of Anne Boleyn
Belonging and Betrayal
Epistle to Marguerite de Navarre and Preface to a Sermon by John Calvin
Bourdieu’s Secret Admirer in the Caucasus
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain
The Politics of Evolution
Shadows from the Trenches
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The Comedians of the King
Enduring Ruin
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Autobiography of an Aspiring Saint
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Living in the Tenth Century
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Inside Rural Ireland
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Lutterworth
The Book Smugglers
Grand Illusion
The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals
Marketable Values
Printing for Kingdom, Empire, and Republic
The Merits of Women
The Worth of Women
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The Limits of Matter
Celia in the Revolution
The Fashion Monkey
Forbidden History
The Last Plague in the Baltic Region, 1709-1713
Bloody Good
The Eye of the Lynx
Subject/Object and Beyond
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A Day in a Medieval City
Paris Blues
To Live Is to Resist
Renaissance Prague
Lies, Passions, and Illusions
National Identity Politics and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games
Music in the Castle
The Subject of Crusade
O Sing unto the Lord
The Roman Crucible
Renaissance Characters
Spectacular Miracles
In the Forest of Metropoles
Three Germanies
Three Germanies
A Stricken Field
Brittany, 1750-1950
The Naked Truth
Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism
The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe
The Perils of Belonging
The Power of Intellectuals in Contemporary Germany
Hitler’s Geographies
Science of Naples
Joyce’s Ghosts
A Tragic Farce
Sound Diplomacy
Making Jet Engines in World War II
The Human Shore
A History of German Jewish Bible Translation
Porsche Decades
Fear Reverence Terror
Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf
Patience Games
The Soul of Brutes
Political Epistemics
The Comparative Reception of Darwinism
Geography Unbound
The God behind the Marble
Historical Atlases
The Lady and the Virgin
The Politics of Small Things
Capturing the German Eye
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 8
British Weather and the Climate of Enlightenment
Violence and Miracle in the Fourteenth Century
The Disciplinary Revolution
Basel in the Age of Burckhardt
Insurgent Identities
The Last Consolation Vanished
Gabriel Harvey and the History of Reading
The Moon, Come to Earth
The Limits of Transnationalism
The Other Americans in Paris
Reluctant Meister
A Fistful of Shells
Marvelous Possessions
Unrequited Conquests
Ruling Culture
Rereading the Black Legend
The Symphony Concert in Nazi Germany
Sir Rhys ap Thomas and his Family
The Soviet Jewish Bookshelf
What is Enlightenment?
For the Dying Calves
Between Church and State
The Courtiers’ Anatomists
Equestrian Cultures
The Life of a Simple Man
Frederick and Potsdam
The Art of Medieval Falconry
The Connected Iron Age
The Modern Balkans
Diagramming Devotion
Reflections on Baroque
Secret Maps
The Unwanted Child
En Guerre
Radio and the Performance of Government
The Dominion of the Dead
Alexander the Great
Travellers through Time
Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500
Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614
Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia
Representing the French Revolution
Before Porn Was Legal
Adulterous Alliances
The Conquest of Ruins
Confronting Identities in German Art
Piety and Charity in Late Medieval Florence
Forming Humanity
High Renaissance Art in St. Peter’s and the Vatican
Evicted from Eternity
Portrait of a Greek Imagination
Eric Warburg
Animal Labor and Colonial Warfare
Terra Incognita
The Nordic Model
The Feeling of History
Decorated Bookbindings in Renaissance Italy Outside Rome and Venice
Serfdom and Social Control in Russia
Esprit Montmartre
The Greatest Killer
Haeckel’s Embryos
Czechs and Germans 1848-2004
The Autumn of the Middle Ages
Spying for Hitler
John Evelyn
Wales and the Crusades
The Curious World of Dickens
Four Last Songs
Berliner Chic
Listening to China
Vive les Satiristes!
Illustrating Empire
De Gaulle
Living in Arcadia
The Experimental Group
The Economic Rise of the Czech Lands 1
St. David’s and Dewisland
Global Interests
The Welsh Gypsies
Let’s Do Our Best for the Ancient Tongue
For the Health of the Enslaved
Voting for Hitler and Stalin
Backpack Ambassadors
A Bag of Marbles
Paris Concealed
Equal in Monastic Profession
The Eighth
Backstage at the Revolution
Code of Peace
Toward a Just World
Magic’s Reason
The History of Wales
The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution
Reckoning with Matter
Petticoat Heroes
The Fascist Party in Wales?
The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre
The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology
The Burden of Responsibility
The Short Chronicle
On Art
The Enlightenment and Original Sin
Russian Economic History
The Collaborator
The Interpreter
Looking for The Stranger
Sounds Beyond
Court, Cloister, and City
Rudolf II
Animal Skins and the Reading Self in Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries
Irish Drama in Poland
Lark in the Morning
Travels into Print
Colonial Madness
Fatal Isolation
Mr. Radley Drives to Vienna
The Medieval Castles of Wales
Unite, Proletarian Brothers!
The Alpine Enlightenment
Emancipation of the Polish Peasantry
The Librarian’s Atlas
Parables of Coercion
War and Peace
Michael Davitt After the Land League, 1882-1906
The Death of the Child Valerio Marcello
Teaching Other Voices
Women of the Renaissance
Marco Polo and His World
Hans Memling and the Merchants
The Origins of the State in Italy, 1300-1600
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 4
The Hunt for Nazi Spies
Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy
Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe
The Transatlantic Collapse of Urban Renewal
Against Borges
Anyone Who Utters a Consoling Word Is a Traitor
Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Peasantry in the Cheb City-State in the Late Middle Ages
The House of Orange in Revolution and War
The Reformation of the Image
Dialogue with Death
Picturing the Cosmos
Re/imaginations of Disability in State Socialism
András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy
The Icon Curtain
Intimate Subjects
The Crisis of the Danish Golden Age and Its Modern Resonance
Cherubino’s Leap
From the Ruins of Enlightenment
The Cure
A Martian Stranded on Earth
Staging the Table in Europe
The Boswell Thesis
Law, Family, and Women
Minorities and Law in Czechoslovakia
Queer Budapest, 1873–1961
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume I
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume I
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume II
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume II
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume II
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Europeans Engaging the Atlantic
The Streets of Europe
Transatlantic Subjects
Mary Wroth: The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania (Abridged)
The Art of Advertising, The
Vintage Advertising
The Object of Labor
The Value of Labor
Mary MacSwiney
Field Notes on the Visual Arts
The Sexuality of History
Savages, Romans, and Despots
Nazism and the Radical Right in Austria 1918-1934
Werner Bests korrespondance med Auswärtiges Amt og andre tyske akter vedrørende besættelsen af Danmark 1942-1945 / Die
The Birth of Purgatory
Medieval Callings
The Medieval Imagination
Travels into Spain
The Beggar and the Professor
The Medieval Invention of Travel
The Liberation of Painting
Nails in the Wall
North Sea Crossings
Seductive Journey
We’ll Always Have Paris
Allies and Rivals
Dreamland of Humanists
The Autonomy of History
Negotiating Spain and Catalonia
Music and the New Global Culture
The Legacy of the Enlightenment
Between History and Myth
The Beginnings of Western Science
Science in the Middle Ages
When Science and Christianity Meet
The Practical Imagination
Geography and Enlightenment
Geography and Revolution
Defying Hitler
Music, Musicians, and the Saint-Simonians
Engineered to Sell
Trams or Tailfins?
The Island of Hermaphrodites
Engineering the Eternal City
Frederick Barbarossa
Behind Walls
Eros and Inwardness in Vienna
Knots, or the Violence of Desire in Renaissance Florence
The Making of Measure and the Promise of Sameness
Kurt Schwitters
Loving Literature
Mining in World History
Freaks of History
Company Curiosities
Art of War
Writing Underground
Leisure Settings
The Baker Who Pretended to Be King of Portugal
In the Company of Demons
Wasteland with Words
The Brotherhood of Freemason Sisters
The Eternal City
Rome Measured and Imagined
Women Against Napoleon
Dialogues and Addresses
Arabic Dialogues
Making England Western
Germany’s Ancient Pasts
King of the World
Paradise in Hell
Forbidden Knowledge
Commercial Visions
Enrico; or, Byzantium Conquered
Dublin and the Great Irish Famine
Dramatic Proverbs
The Weimar Origins of Rhetorical Inquiry
The History and Power of Writing
Asian Port Cities, 1600-1800
The Haydn Economy
Selected Poetry and Prose
The Capital Order
The Science of Walking
They Thought They Were Free
Reactionary Mathematics
Margaret Skinnider
Church and People in Interregnum Britain
The Art of Anatomy in Medieval Europe
Making the Renaissance Man
The Bourgeois Virtues
Making Spirit Matter
Pioneers for Profit
Professional Communities and the Work of High School Teaching
Europe’s Steppe Frontier, 1500-1800
The Alexander Medvedkin Reader
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error
Revolution and Genocide
Dark Lens
The Rise of the Research University
Equality for Same-Sex Couples
Terms of Exchange
The Lady Anatomist
Jews in Nazi Berlin
Jewish Families in Europe, 1939-Present
American Girls in Red Russia
Postcolonial Spain
Bloodtaking and Peacemaking
Seeing Sodomy in the Middle Ages
The Tiger in the Attic
The Atheist’s Bible
Space and Time under Persecution
Why Europe?
Vindicatio Aristotelis
Divas in the Convent
Habitual Offenders
Nuns Behaving Badly
Kindred Spirits
A History of Crete
The Tragedy of the Sack of Cabrières
Revolution to Devolution
Welsh Surnames
The Preacher’s Demons
Race and Photography
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 3
Arc of Feeling
Wondrous Curiosities
Embodied Histories
Peasants, Warriors, and Wives
Why So Easily . . . Some Family Reasons for the Velvet Revolution
The Moral Neoliberal
Mozart and the Mediation of Childhood
A Memorandum for the President of the Royal Audiencia and Chancery Court of the City and Kingdom of Granada
The Dancing Bees
The Man Who Thought He Was Napoleon
Plotting Gothic
Trade and Romance
Precision and Soul
The Portraitist
Rembrandt’s Jews
The Controversy of Renaissance Art
Seeing Race Before Race
Enlightenment Biopolitics
Judaism and Christianity in the Age of Constantine
Promethean Ambitions
Imperial City
Neighboring Faiths
Prague, Jan Hus and Prague University
Complete Writings
Rethinking France
Rethinking France
Rethinking France
The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946–2016
The Shock of the Ancient
A Feast for the Eyes
The Punishment of Pirates
The End
Alchemy and Authority in the Holy Roman Empire
Women of the Danish Golden Age
Formula 1
John Redmond and Irish Parliamentary Traditions
Cathal Brugha
Sport in the USSR
The Science of Describing
Towards Modern Nationhood
In the House of the Hangman
The Sins of the Fathers
The Mysteries of the Marco Polo Maps
Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue
The Politics of Utopia
The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France
Diet for a Large Planet
The Victorian Eye
Revolution in the City of Heroes
The Gender of Memory
Inventing the Renaissance
The Man Who Stole Himself
The Pope’s Body
The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629-1786
London Voices, 1820–1840
The Jews of Wales
Humoring the Body
The Troubadours
Blood, Land and Power
The Likeness of the King
Edge of Irony
The Life of Lady Johanna Eleonora Petersen, Written by Herself
Breve historia de la lengua española
A Brief History of the Spanish Language
Acolytes of Nature
Cartographic Humanism
The Problem of the Fetish
Petrograd, 1917
Remembering 1989
The Portuguese and the Straits of Melaka, 1575-1619
Catarina the Wise and Other Wondrous Sicilian Folk and Fairy Tales
The Boke of the Cyte of Ladyes
Debate of the Romance of the Rose
The Teutonic Knights
T. G. Masaryk and the Jewish Question
A Small Corner of Hell
Reign of Virtue
History, Historians, and Autobiography
Walter Ralegh’s "History of the World" and the Historical Culture of the Late Renaissance
Secret Science
The Spanish Disquiet
We’re Still at War
Catastrophe and Meaning
The Politics of Free Markets
In Quest of History
Decay and Afterlife
Dutch Culture in the Golden Age
Paris Primitive
The Correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes
Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600
Dante’s Volume from Alpha to Omega
Baltic Facades
A History of the Czech Lands
Peoples on Parade
French Modern
The First Russian Revolution
The Illuminated Window
The Worldmakers
Panaceia’s Daughters
The Poison Trials
‘A Seditious and Sinister Tribe’
Believing and Seeing
The Making of Romantic Love
Something Flashed, Something Broke, Something Remained
Selling the Yellow Jersey
Light in Germany
Setting Plato Straight
"Labor Is Not a Commodity!"
Chaim Weizmann
Glorious, Accursed Europe
The Anti-Journalist
Hitler’s Tyranny
Debating Darwin
Readings in Russian Civilization Volume I
Readings in Russian Civilization Volume II
Readings in Russian Civilization Volume III
Max Weber
Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions
Science in the Age of Sensibility
Incomparable Realms
Civilization without Sexes
D-Day Through French Eyes
Disruptive Acts
Sheer Misery
What Soldiers Do
Sentimental Savants
Publishing Women
Einstein in Oxford
Regulars and the Secular Realm
From Mother and Daughter
Image and Reality
María Zambrano
The American Enemy
Making and Unmaking Literature in the Warsaw, Lodz, and Vilna Ghettos
Thomas Frederick Tout (1855–1929)
The Honest Courtesan
May ’68 and Its Afterlives
Fragments of Lives
The Pursuit of Harmony
The Latest Catastrophe
Giordano Bruno
The Scarith of Scornello
A Monarch in the Making
The Prague of Charles IV, 1316 - 1378
St Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle
The Other Renaissance
Pilgrimage to the End of the World
Bursting the Limits of Time
Sinners and Citizens
Empire’s Children
Measuring the New World
Articulating Difference
The Right to Difference
Europe in Black and White
Bodies in the Bog and the Archaeological Imagination
Demos Assembled
Demos Rising
The Natural Origins of Economics
A Philosopher’s Economist
A Genealogy of Terror in Eighteenth-Century France
Glass! Love!! Perpetual Motion!!!
Ghosts in the Middle Ages
The Return of Resentment
Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842
Promises and Predicaments
Forgetful of Their Sex
Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality
Ukraine in the Crosshairs of Geopolitical Power Play
Architecture for the Shroud
Laughter at the Foot of the Cross
Selected Letters, Orations, and Rhetorical Dialogues
Map Men
Mapping Europe’s Borderlands
Memoirs of a Fortunate Jew
Mafia, Money and Politics in Sicily 1950-1997
Capitalism and the Emergence of Civic Equality in Eighteenth-Century France
Before Voltaire
The Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment
Reconnoitring Russia
Masterpieces from Buckingham Palace
The Igor Moiseyev Dance Company
Invisible Hands
Sex, France, and Arab Men, 1962–1979
Enchanted Islands
The Exceptional Woman
Parisian Fields
French Primitivism and the Ends of Empire, 1945-1975
The Invention of Art
Political Thought and Political Thinkers
The Court Midwife
Rembrandt’s Holland
Vital Minimum
The First English Dictionary 1604
Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine
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The Cultural Crisis of the Danish Golden Age
The Heibergs and the Theater
The Ruins Lesson
The Pinocchio Effect
Global Goods and the Country House
Visionary Experience in the Golden Age of Spanish Art
The Law under the Swastika
From Vienna to Chicago and Back
Wales and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
Contesting Sacrifice
Postcards, Translators and Esperanto Pioneers
Theory as Practice
A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex
Jewish Poet and Intellectual in Seventeenth-Century Venice
The Inner Lives of Medieval Inquisitors
Truth and the Heretic
The Cultural Practice of Immigrant Filmmaking
Spain’s Eighteenth-Century Periodical Press
Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age
Abolitions as a Global Experience
The Europe Illusion
Racial Science and Human Diversity in Colonial Indonesia
Materialising the Roman Empire
Paternal Tyranny
Icon and Devotion
The Habsburg Monarchy, 1809-1918
The World in a Box
Mission on the Rhine
Catching Nature in the Act
The Man Who Flattened the Earth
Millicent Garrett Fawcett
Colonialisme—une Suisse impliquée
colonial—Switzerland’s Global Entanglements
Prague Palimpsest
In Pursuit of Civility
Theatre Censorship in Spain, 1931–1985
Layamon’s Brut and the Anglo-Norman Vision of History
Regimes and Repertoires
From Old Regime to Industrial State
Thinking with Sound
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume II
The Hebrew Physiologus
Heavenly Supper
European Socialists Across Borders
The Romantic Machine
The Last Days of Hitler
Renaissance Essays
Mumbai To Mecca
The Political Orchestra
The Worm in the Apple
Reclaiming Catherine of Siena
Comparing Apples, Oranges, and Cotton
Civil and Corrupt Asia
Revolt in the Netherlands
Music, Discipline, and Arms in Early Modern France
Pieter Geyl and Britain
Whether a Christian Woman Should Be Educated and Other Writings from Her Intellectual Circle
Networking Operatic Italy
Independent Women
The Sciences of the Soul
New World Gold
Baroque Personae
Memoirs of the Life of Henriette-Sylvie de Moliere
Magna Carta
A Winter’s Journey
Baroque Prague
The Imperial Childhood of World Art
Meditations on the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ
Literary Intellectuals and the Dissolution of the State
Alpine Passes of Switzerland
Informal Cities
Androids in the Enlightenment
Paris 1924
Enlightenment Portraits
Remaining Relevant after Communism
Power of Petitioning in Early Modern Britain
The Moro Morality Play
Teaching Race in the European Renaissance: A Classroom Guide
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Athene Palace
Birth Weight and Economic Growth
A Well-Fashioned Image
Precarious Partners
World in the Balance
Saints and Society
In the Shadow of the Magic Mountain
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Extraordinary Ordinariness
Thrifty Science
Johannes Gutenberg
The Halle Orphanage as Scientific Community
The French Imperial Nation-State
Galileo’s Idol
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The Longing for Myth in Germany
The Intellectual Properties of Learning
Reading Clocks, Alla Turca
Placing the Enlightenment
Art Nouveau Prague
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Sex, Death, and Minuets
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
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Remembering to Forget
Church Mother
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The Parisian Summit, 1377-78
Charles IV
Saharan Jews and the Fate of French Algeria
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When God Looked the Other Way
Latin Inscriptions in Oxford
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Two by Two
Engineering the Revolution
The Arthur of the Italians
Designs of Destruction
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Dandyism in the Age of Revolution
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Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections
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On Hysteria
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Authoring the Past
Both from the Ears and Mind
Crises in Authoritarian Regimes
Spectral Spain
From Viking Stronghold to Christian Kingdom
Nothing to Speak of
Creator of Nightmares
From the Score to the Stage
Jean-Paul Marat
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 7
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The Excellence and Nobility of Women
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Vulgar Marxism
Berlin for Jews
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How to Do It
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Of Chronicles and Kings
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Galileo, Courtier
Galileo’s Instruments of Credit
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One Must Also Be Hungarian
The Dream of Absolutism
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God’s Plagiarist
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Opera and the Political Imaginary in Old Regime France
Remarkable Renaissance Books
German Invasion Plans for the British Isles, 1940
Instructions for British Servicemen in France, 1944
Instructions for British Servicemen in Germany, 1944
Postcards from Checkpoint Charlie
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Respectability and Deviance
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University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 9
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On the Future of History
The University of Oxford
Courtly Song in Late Sixteenth-Century France
Trading Territories
No. 10
Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe
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History as a Kind of Writing
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Arc of Utopia
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’Los Invisibles’
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Historians and Historiography in the Italian Renaissance
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 5
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 6
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Freedom’s Moment
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Oxford Freemasons
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Francis of Assisi
Francesca Caccini at the Medici Court
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Children of the Greek Civil War
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Women of the Twelfth Century, Volume 2
Women of the Twelfth Century, Volume 3
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O Sing unto the Lord
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Three Germanies
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Anyone Who Utters a Consoling Word Is a Traitor
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Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume I
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume I
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume II
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume II
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume II
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
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The Streets of Europe
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The Art of Advertising, The
Vintage Advertising
The Object of Labor
The Value of Labor
Mary MacSwiney
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Savages, Romans, and Despots
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Werner Bests korrespondance med Auswärtiges Amt og andre tyske akter vedrørende besættelsen af Danmark 1942-1945 / Die
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University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 3
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Why So Easily . . . Some Family Reasons for the Velvet Revolution
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Rethinking France
Rethinking France
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A Feast for the Eyes
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The End
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Formula 1
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St Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle
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Forgetful of Their Sex
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A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex
Jewish Poet and Intellectual in Seventeenth-Century Venice
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Spain’s Eighteenth-Century Periodical Press
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Millicent Garrett Fawcett
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colonial—Switzerland’s Global Entanglements
Prague Palimpsest
In Pursuit of Civility
Theatre Censorship in Spain, 1931–1985
Layamon’s Brut and the Anglo-Norman Vision of History
Regimes and Repertoires
From Old Regime to Industrial State
Thinking with Sound
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume II
The Hebrew Physiologus
Heavenly Supper
European Socialists Across Borders
The Romantic Machine
The Last Days of Hitler
Renaissance Essays
Mumbai To Mecca
The Political Orchestra
The Worm in the Apple
Reclaiming Catherine of Siena
Comparing Apples, Oranges, and Cotton
Civil and Corrupt Asia
Revolt in the Netherlands
Music, Discipline, and Arms in Early Modern France
Pieter Geyl and Britain
Whether a Christian Woman Should Be Educated and Other Writings from Her Intellectual Circle
Networking Operatic Italy
Independent Women
The Sciences of the Soul
New World Gold
Baroque Personae
Memoirs of the Life of Henriette-Sylvie de Moliere
Magna Carta
A Winter’s Journey
Baroque Prague
The Imperial Childhood of World Art
Meditations on the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ
Literary Intellectuals and the Dissolution of the State
Alpine Passes of Switzerland
Informal Cities
Androids in the Enlightenment
Paris 1924
Enlightenment Portraits
Remaining Relevant after Communism
Power of Petitioning in Early Modern Britain
The Moro Morality Play
Teaching Race in the European Renaissance: A Classroom Guide
The Disordered Police State
The Heroic City
Athene Palace
Birth Weight and Economic Growth
A Well-Fashioned Image
Precarious Partners
World in the Balance
Saints and Society
In the Shadow of the Magic Mountain
The Nazi Symbiosis
Extraordinary Ordinariness
Thrifty Science
Johannes Gutenberg
The Halle Orphanage as Scientific Community
The French Imperial Nation-State
Galileo’s Idol
Gypsy World
The Longing for Myth in Germany
The Intellectual Properties of Learning
Reading Clocks, Alla Turca
Placing the Enlightenment
Art Nouveau Prague
The History of Cartography, Volume 3
Here Comes the Sun
The Development of a Russian Legal Consciousness
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition
Sex, Death, and Minuets
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
The Gestation of German Biology
Remembering to Forget
Church Mother
Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany
The Virtual Tourist in Renaissance Rome
The Crosses of Auschwitz
The Restoration of Order
The Parisian Summit, 1377-78
Charles IV
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